I 19m was at a party and started talking to her during the night things got heated, she didn’t want to have sex which was good since I didn’t have a condom but she offered oral. I was ecstatic and took her back to my place to shower. After a while when we where ready and watching a movie she whispered to me “Im trans and have a dick” not that exact but that was the jist. I knew before I met her from another time so I was okay with it, but I got nervous and responded to that “it’s okay i have a dick too” she laughed and eventually got back to it after she stopped laughing. What should I have said that’s more appropriate? I felt so embarrassed I didn’t want to un woma her in any way I just didn’t know.


  1. Well it’s diffrent per trans woman.ive only been with two and she volunteered to penetrate me and used hers. So it’s diffrent because the other girl was shy and wouldn’t want me to look

  2. She anticipated a rejection. Good job not rejecting.

    And she braced herself against getting told all kinds of names and slurs. Good job not doing that.

    Instead, you reacted with an obviously humorous response that showed that you really don’t have a problem with her. All good. (good job, there!)

  3. That sounds like a fine response, honestly, and she enjoyed it, so you’re all good.

  4. You did well, a spontaneous reply that was received positively. Convo from here on out can be more thought through, but good job.

  5. I’m trans and you handled this perfectly lmao. The fact that she laughed is a good sign. You diffused the fear/tension and made her feel at ease. Good job 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵

  6. Your response isn’t bad – but saying “you are safe with me.” is very reassuring. You won’t hurt her, out her, or ridicule/mock her.

  7. What’s the problem? It was funny, she found it funny, she carried on…I don’t see why you need to change anything?

  8. Fucking is funny business, good job! You should always be comfortable having a sense of humor where sex is concerned. Bravo to you both!

  9. It was a funny/awkward comment and I don’t think she took it as disrespectful 😭🤣

  10. I’m not trans, nor a women and have 0 authority on the matter. It sounds to me like you treated her like you would treat any other person, which I’m guessing is exactly what I think I’d want.

  11. I feel like if you say something and her response is to laugh and then suck your dick, you probably said the right thing regardless of what it was.

    If you don’t want to make a joke out of it, a frank “that’s fine 🤷‍♀️” is perfectly acceptable.

  12. As long as you were respectful and the other party wasn’t offended, no harm no foul. Be careful out there boss.

  13. To you it was the equivalent of telling a waiter “you too” instead of “thanks”

    To her it was a kinda sweet and funny joke.

  14. I’m losing it here, that’s a hilarious and good response 🙂 She was probably worried, and your response was both kind and funny. It doesn’t sound like she was offended at all. Don’t be embarrassed!

  15. Are people really okay with finding out something like this that late? I don’t want to shame trans people either or be mean, but it feels like something wise to bring up as early as you can, so long as it feels safe. I’d personally feel… less safe waiting to disclose that until I was alone with someone in their home. Is it not normal to tell people while you’re still in public?

  16. I’m a cishet guy who’s dated trans women, and I’m sure that if I’d said the same to any of those partners they’d be laughing so hard they’d probably forget to get back into it altogether. We’re always funniest when we’re not trying to be. Glad it worked out for you.

  17. Classic response I think what you said was good she laughed and you got a blow job I think that’s a win

  18. As trans person (FTM) I think that was great answer. For many people being trans is deal breaker. And even that is totally fine no one likes to be rejected. Especially because of something they might not should have. And not all of the people are polite. Or it could easily go awkward even you were okay with she being trans. Or some people want to discuss about being trans. And even I’m all about it but there are better times for it. But you kept it light and funny. That was well done.

    In general if you tell a joke and someone laugh and then suck your dick I think you’re good.

  19. As a trans person, I approve of your response, and as long as she was comfortable

  20. Kind of an interesting time to say it… they should of had this “talk” before the point of taking your dick out…

  21. Perfect response, my dude. And she no doubt was very happy with it too given she went back to her business afterwards 🙂

  22. im a trans person myself, and this made me laugh my ass off. great way to show you’re an ally and flaunt that amazing sense of humor! nothing to be embarrassed about, i thought you had made a really offensive statement.

    I would love if somebody said that to me, especially a cis person! Makes me feel cared about and considered, but also a huge green flag. Props to you, OP! Not disrespectful at all either.

  23. You handled that, dude. I’ve had some of the best sex after a joke comment like that, so don’t feel like you did anything offensive. Good on you for being aware enough to question it, though. NGL, your title scared me for a second, thought it was going to be AITA where it’s obvious that you are. Enjoy your dates with that beautiful trans woman.

  24. Hey, that sounds really endearing and funny actually. Sex doesn’t have to be super serious all the time and it sounds like she found it funny as well.

  25. I’m a trans woman and that response would make me laugh and feel a lot more comfortable.

    I’d be expecting slurs and potentially assault.

  26. This is the sort of response you don’t think of until two days later. You stuck the landing, stop worrying.

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