Me (M24) and my gf (F22) had sex this morning and were under the impression that we had the house to ourselves (a rare opportunity, might I add).

So of course we got busy. I was performing like Shaq in his prime, we were loud as fuck – absolutely no filter. Picture a big guy running in flip flops. Just firing on all cylinders; after all, nobody was home.

And then we finish and I go to use the washroom just to discover my grandma in the living room folding laundry.

I am not a suicidal person by any means, but man I would not mind if someone shot me in the back of the head right now. I am so fucking embarrassed I feel like throwing up. Why did it have to be my grandma of all people?!

Someone please help me get over this.

Update: talked to grandma. She said she’s happy I found someone good and to have fun before we get old too. It’s still embarrassing, but not the end of the world. Thank you all for the support!

  1. Unless you have a spell to erase memories there’s nothing to do except for your grandma to just accept your a grown man who has sex with his girlfriend.
    Never had a gf before but yeah I’d probably be ready to die to.

  2. Omg! Lol! I did with with my gf back in high school with her grandma sleeping 2 rooms away. She was being a little no quiet and she goes “stop worrying she can’t hear that good”

  3. Granny probably understands. I wouldn’t say you need to do anything, except move on.
    We hear neighbours all the time, so all we can do is try to minimize being heard too. But, we still want to enjoy sex, right?

  4. She knows what you are doing, and has done it before herself. In your favor, her hearing probably isn’t as good as it used to be. Give yourself a couple of days to get over the embarrassment.

  5. Didn’t seem to bother your granny. Take a tip from her – just move on like nothing happened. Help her fold some clothes

  6. Well maybe she is even happy for you if you have a good relationship. Grandson growing up, finds a nice girl. She was young once too you know. I think in those days they also took opportunities when they presented themselves 🙂

  7. Just hope that grandma wasn’t wearing her hearing aids.

    But if she was wearing her hearing aids, she probably turned them up to high and smiled all the way.

  8. Does grandma having hearing aids ?
    If not she is probably thinking she will be getting great grand babies shortly

  9. I’m 62, old enough to be a great grandfather and been an empty nester for many decades. My wife and I are still very sexually active and on a good night the sounds of a good time would be quite loud in our small house. So if I had a grandchild and their spouse in my home and heard that, I wouldn’t think anything of it since it’s perfectly normal. I wouldn’t give it any more thought if I were you.

  10. Holy shit. You have my sympathy but goddamn this is hilarious. Like something out of a movie.

    Idk what’s best honestly, but if I were in your situation I think this is what I’d do:
    Send your grandma a text saying something along the lines of “Grandma, I just want to apologize for the other day. Girlfriend and I didn’t think anyone was home and decided to be intimate together, only for me to find out that you were still in the house. We wouldn’t have ever done that if we knew someone else was here. Can we please pretend this never happened and never talk about it ever again? I don’t even want to bring this up with you face to face because I’m so embarrassed, which is why I’m sending a text.
    Sorry again.

    If she doesn’t text, write it in a note or something.

  11. Keep in mind… yeah, someone already mentioned that your granny’s probably less than innocent herself. Happens.

    If it was your grandpa – he might’ve high-fived you, but .. old ladies are more delicate)

  12. We all have embarrassing stories like this, and the older you get, the more of them you compile. Even Grandma. Yes, I guarantee your grandma could tell you some stories herself. Which is why she probably just smiled and said “Good for them.” Don’t make a bigger deal of it than it is. Seriously, it’s one of those things you’ll look back on and laugh about.

  13. ‘Oh, thats nothing. Your Grandpa used to have me screaming so loud i set off every car alarm on the block.’

  14. Dude, good job, granny had to have it at least once to produce your parents, she knows what is going on. I am pretty sure she was rooting you on and hope that protection was used.

  15. Your grandma has had ALOT more sex that you.

    I’d even bet, that given you’re 24 and live at home, that your grandma has had FREAKIER sex than you.

    You’ll forget this by Monday.

    In the meantime, own it. Be like “What’s up G-mama?” in your best Elvis voice.

    She’s probably hearing y’all going — i know where that boy gets his talent.

  16. lol.. own it .. own it. grandma probably thinking “that’s ma grandson, good for him!”

    ive had a similar thing happen in previous relationship when we were done we went downstairs and her mom was there she was like “I hear you guys were having fun up there eh, sounded like the roof was gonna cave” lmao..

  17. Pretty sure fact she is your grandmother means she has fucked before.

    Fact she didn’t say anything also likely means she doesn’t care of is hard of hearing

  18. You’re okay.

    I’m pushing 50 and when one of my adult kids got in the car with a hickey and another time I found out she had sex toys – I was strangely happy for her. Grandma was probably like “get it!!!”

    Unless she’s deeply religious, she was probably totally unbothered.

  19. oh man i had this happen to me too! my fiancé (bf at the time) and i thought we were home alone at his place since it was a weekday. we started doing the do and all of a sudden we hear an angry door slam from one of the rooms. 😭😭😭 his grandpa had just returned home from the store and we thought we had more time. he got angry at my bf and told him to get outta the house for a while and we did lmao. he wasn’t kicked out completely, just for the moment, but we were both super embarrassed afterwards haha. hey, at least it was the grandparents and not our actual parents! 😀

  20. My gf accidentally butt dialed her dad while we were having a particularly noisy go of it once. After a couple minutes we noticed and hung up. My wife texted him and said sorry I butt dialed you while we were at the gym. He was nice enough to pretend to believe that lol.

    It happens.

  21. If she was embarrassed for having heard you, she would have gone into a bedroom or further away from your space so she could pretend that she didn’t hear anything. Humiliating yes but it’s a thing that happens. Aren’t you glad the roles weren’t reversed?

  22. Happened to me at that age…and my mom made fun of me teasing me that I had recorded the deed on a camera and that some members of the family accidently saw the camera

    Happened to me at that age…and my mom made fun of me teasing me that I had recorded the deed on a camera and that some members of the family accidentally saw the camera

  23. It could be worse. Literally just today I was staying in my bf’s cousin’s apartment, she’s a few years older than us and we like to drink and smoke with her. Well she decided to go across the street to their grandma’s house with the niece and we figured we were in the clear.

    There we were, me bent over the guest bed with the door open, we were being loud as fuck since we thought we were alone. Well the cousin came back in because she forgot the kid’s bottle. We were mortified. We didn’t hear her immediately because we were being loud, so she definitely saw us by the time we sat up. Thank God we weren’t fully nude, we had just enough clothes on to not show any private parts. But she definitely knew what we were doing.

    I was absolutely mortified, still am since I’m back at her apartment smoking and she’s sitting right across from me. Everyone is just pretending it never happened, which is probably for the best.

  24. When I was a teenager my gf and I were banging hard in the basement and she seemed to be experimenting in screaming. ‘No biggie,’ I thought.
    We finished and went upstairs where I heard my dad moving around.
    I called up stairs, “Dad? How long have you been home?”
    His reply, “long enough.”

  25. Don’t worry, and kee remembering that she ‘is happy for you’.

    She was young once too and probably remembers what it was like to be young and horny and able to enjoy sex.

    FWIW the 2nd Christmas after wife and I were married just over a year, and SIL & her husband were married just that fall. She and he were taking a shower together in the first floor bathroom and were obviously playing ticklefest in the shower. Mom fixing dinner at the same time and chuckling to the rest of us helping her. Her eyes were just sparkling that daughter and SIL were having fun.

  26. You know what, I’d rather it was my grandma than anyone else. Elderly people are always way more understanding and they don’t give a fuck about these things.

    But also, you will get over this. It’s something you can laugh about one day. Everyone has sex and sometimes it’s loud, you don’t have anything to be embarrassed or ashamed of!

  27. I’m 100% sure your grandmother knows all about sex, she after all couldn’t be your grandmother without it. ;-D

  28. Ughh this has totally happened to me, with my lovely sister in law no less 🫠

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