Saw this on another “ask” post and wondered if the answers here differed much from our friends over the water?

My answer was:

Book my little girls birthday party she wants at a trampoline place near me (13 kids at £18.50). got about £5k on credit so clear that and give the rest to the missus because she wants to book a family holiday and do the 2 bathrooms.

Made me think I need to do something for myself sometimes.

  1. Give my disabled mother a holiday. Accessible holidays are so expensive she hasn’t been anywhere for a decade.

  2. Pay off some debt, didn’t have a job for 9 months after buying a new house and having first child, so built up 60k debt 💸

  3. Stick it in savings probably.

    Genuinely can’t think of anything to spend it on tbh.

    My life is very exciting, yes.

  4. Put 10 grand in the savings account, buy a new tv and go on an Amazing once In a lifetime holiday with the rest.

  5. I’d be organizing my dream holiday, a road trip around the coast of Australia. Maybe through the middle too. Maybe £20k wouldn’t be enough, though!

  6. Probably quit my job.

    £20k seems like a small amount to give up a job for but with that kind of money I could afford to get a lower paid part time/casual job and still afford to live whilst also paying for some training/educational courses to eventually get a better job than I am currently in.

  7. High interest savings account to sit on till the last minute to pay off a lump of the mortgage and I’d get massive chinese takeaway because I am as boring as I am fat.

  8. Marry my girlfriend, immediately. She lives abroad so money is an obstacle, and £20k would be about enough to remove that obstacle completely.

  9. If I won £20K right now:

    1). Get myself and my partner a new phone – ours are almost 6 years old. Say up to £1400 total.

    2). Maybe use £1000 for a weekend away somewhere. Paris maybe or any other deal we cam find.

    3) Put the remainder in an ISA (tax free savings/ investment wrapper)

  10. Stick most of it in an ISA

    however, I normally stay at home for Christmas and go away in Jan as it’s much cheaper. I could move that holiday to Xmas and not have to put up with the mother in law

  11. New guitar and amp. Keep the rest either towards one day owning a home, or, finding a place to rent on the west Scotland coast

  12. I’d pay off all of my debt and save the rest for a deposit on a house.

    Either that or 4 tubs of Lurpak

  13. Towards a house. I’m 37, and at this moment in time, the only way I’m ever owning a house is with a lottery win or a rich family member I’ve never heard of passes away

  14. That’s so heartwarming!

    As for myself, I immediately thought whores, whisky and cocaine


  15. Walk into to work, slap my boss and most disliked co-workers. Walk out and live a life of riley. Realise 20k won’t go very far. Come crawling back to work and beg forgiveness from slapped boss and disliked co-workers. Live out the rest of my days regretting my hasty/ill considered actions…

  16. New BMW R1300GS has been released and I priced up my spec on the website – £19k. Buy the wife some flowers and a posh meal.

  17. Controversially I’d panic. My wife and I live off benefits because she’s too unwell to work, and I have to basically give her 24/7 care.

    If you live off benefits, the most you can have in savings is 6k, so receiving 20k would take away our benefits, but not be anywhere enough to live off. Once it inevitably runs out, we’d have to go through the whole application process again. Winning 20k would actually be fucking terrible for us.

  18. – Overpay max on mortgage (£10k)
    – Pay my Mum’s credit cards off as she’s never going to manage herself (£5k)
    – Buy new phone for myself (~£800-1k)

    Then the last £4k-ish I’d probably just put into my savings for a while tbh. Would like a new kitchen or bathroom but that wouldn’t cover it these days!

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