Men of Reddit, what is that one thing you did that got women attracted to you the most?

  1. The biggest thing I would say.. I developed a good sense of humor. Did well with the ladies in college even during my “fat guy” phase.

    If you’re fun to talk to and don’t look too bad you’ve got a fair chance to succeed.

  2. Approach them with a confident, cheerful attitude. I used to be too serious which gave me endless rejections. That was a good discovery too because my real personality is to be easygoing and uncomplicated, wish I knew earlier.

  3. Dance lessons. Hands down. It is unusual enough for guys like me to be interesting.

    More importantly, it gave me lots of chances to interact with women casually and chat, get to know them and just be relaxed. Being able to be casual and joke with women you just met is like a superpower when a lot of guys tend to be nervous or withdrawn.

  4. stopped caring what women think, and live an exciting life.

    I think women like men that are driven, for something. Doesn’t have to be success or wealth, but have a internal motivation, and set goals, then accomplish them. artist, surfer, whatever.

  5. Not giving a fuck about women.
    Seems to attract lots of women

    Others have said “not listen to women about women”, and “ignoring them”.

    Those are right up there too

  6. Get an interesting “important” job and occasionally teach classes in various subjects (incl. fitness). Had one or two women *completely* flip their attitudes to me from totally indifferent to “Hi, tehe.”

    And then I moved to Latin America. Holy hell. I’ve never been popular in my entire life. Until now.

  7. Becoming a healthier person. Was already pulling women because I am a good talker with good humor. But when I lost some weight, and gained a little muscle the attention is a lot more, with a lot less effort.

  8. I practiced being charming. I wanted to be liked by women because I had zero interest from them growing up and it hurt to be honest, I saw myself being lonely as a grown up. So when I reached 16 years of age I thought that I better be funny and charming then. So I practiced, failed, practiced. Started to talk effortlessly to people, making them laugh. Sometimes too much. Too clownish, so I dialed it back. Keep it just right. Be charming, accept failure, be the bigger man. Eventually I found my sweet spot. Around twentyish. I am still learning though. But being a confident socially is a game changer.

  9. Put on muscular bodyweight. Was always skinny growing up but put on 25-30lbs during lockdown and did a lot of calisthenics. The combo of muscle and bodyfat helped to fill out clothes.

    I’m sure part of it was confidence but I definitely had a higher proportion of good dates after that.

  10. There were three things and I can’t decide which worked better…

    1. Learned to play the guitar well
    2. Got full of muscles
    3. Being rich (I wasn’t born that way.)

    Playing the guitar in bands got me lots of women. Also being able to play the guitar is somehow an attractive trait to women.

    I read of a study where random men asked women for their phone numbers on the street. They found that if the man was carrying a guitar in a case, he had better luck.

    I got ripped a few times in life, women react to you differently, in fact, many of them would get a bit ‘handsy’ with me. Can’t say I minded it.

  11. Shaved my head. I was balding for a long time and didn’t do great with women, literally day 1 after clean shaving with a blade I took home the hottest girl I’ve ever pulled.

  12. Humor, confidence, wit, ambition, able to hold a conversation

    All of these facets of my personality tie into my charisma, and in my opinion demonstrate a level of “success” in life.

    Confidence was mainly built in the gym, and with socialization with other humans and making mistakes

    If you’re physically fit, mentally fit, make your own money, have a steady job, exhibit a well-rounded emotionally intelligent and educated mindset, women will definitely take notice.

    There’s no one magic bullet that will make the opposite sex instantly more attracted to you, unfortunately. Trial and error is part of the journey of self-growth.

  13. Stopped trying to get laid. It made me so much more relaxed during dates that I had a lot more fun and ironically got laid more.

  14. I got a better haircut and started dressing more fashionable. I had this lame short crew haircut for nearly 20 years of my life. A few years ago I grew my hair out to a medium length and started styling it, usually to the side. Girls all around me immediately noticed! Lots of compliments, and even some cute girls went out of their way to comment on it and touch my hair.

  15. Was a goth kid in my teens and early 20s. I’ve since never gotten as much action as I did for those years. Peacocking works if you do it right.

  16. Being emotionally accessible and vulnerable.

    It won’t matter for the wrong ones, but the right ones will appreciate it.

  17. Getting married, apparently.

    Seriously, before I was with my wife I had maybe 2 women approach me for my entire life. After being with her and getting married, I had quite a few more.

  18. Stopped caring about them and treat them like you could give two shits.

    I was in a bad place in life and wanted nothing to do with women, It’s like they could smell it and threw themselves at me.

  19. I cook. I’ve always been into cooking, but I really honed my craft during the pandemic. Women love a man who cooks, and it helps that I’m funny. lol. But food is honestly one of the easiest ice breakers.

  20. Kindness. Finally started taking life less seriously and decided to make others feel special every chance I got. Has been a wonderful life ever since.

  21. apart from taking care of your looks (hygiene, don’t dress like a slob, haircut) just stop caring. also just do the things you enjoy but do things outside of your home. in order to meet people you gotta get out. not just to bars or clubs but go do other activities outside your home.

  22. Got rid of porn. My confidence went way up. I feel so much more able to talk to women now because I don’t see them as solely a piece of meat

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