I(M19) have been dating my girlfriend(F20) for about 7 months now and it’s been going great. We have fun, we’re able to share everything with each other and i feel like she’s someone I’ll be able to keep around forever. Only thing is, there’s a slight issue and it might sound nonsensical to most of you out there ik.

So for context I’m 5’9”, and she’s about my height only which kind of makes me feel short around her and makes my insecurity of being short kick in. I feel like everyone around us judges her for not choosing someone accordingly her height(6’+).

Although she has never ever mentioned this and she said this is something she doesn’t really care about and what matters is i am doing well off in my life comparatively by being in a good uni and having a good background, but i do feel like this “height” thing is something she just says so that I don’t feel bad about it.

I fear sometimes she also wishes that maybe i was slightly taller, things would’ve been more perfect

  1. She hasn’t given you any indication to feel otherwise and it’s been seven months. Your insecurities are getting you worked up.

  2. So you care more about how other people view you than she does? It’s your insecurity, I’m 1.73cm which is short or at least in my country is but who cares? My so is much heavier than me and we also get some looks, but as far as I’m concerned they can look, talk and gossip all they want, as long as she loves me the way I’ am – I’m good! 🙂

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