I 20F have been talking to this guy 30M for about a month now. We used to talk everyday, call, text, facetime – but only saw eachother once because of schedules. Throughout this period we both mutually liked eachother and often said how interested we were. We met up a week ago, I stayed over at his, we had sex and overall we really clicked. After this, he starts to distance himself – leaving me on delivered, not texting or calling anymore, etc. I asked him if he would be interested in seeing me again. He messaged me that he has a close friend that he used to have feelings for and they stopped hanging out so he could get over it, but he recently started seeing her again and he’s realized that he’s not truly over her, and realized this after we met up. He says that he doesn’t want to hurt me more by being emotionally unavailable – but would want to still keep in contact if I’m open to it? I really like this guy and I’m super conflicted on what I should do.

  1. Cut it off, do you really want to be a second choice as well as being friends but still into him? There’s no point in keeping contact if you’re looking for something more than friends or sexual

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