I’m interested in understanding the dating perspectives of men over 30.

Green Flags : What specific qualities or characteristics attract you to a woman? What traits would make you want to commit to an exclusive long-term relationship with a woman?

Red Flags: What particular behaviors or traits are immediate deal-breakers for you in dating?

Attitude Towards Dating: How do you currently approach dating? Are you seeking something casual, looking for a serious relationship, adopting a let’s-see-where-this-goes mentality?

If you’ve observed any changes in your dating preferences or attitudes over time, additional insights into that would also be appreciated.

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  2. Green flags: nice and doesn’t care about my income or about me being mentally disabled

    Red flags: mean and cares about my income and about me being mentally disabled

    Attitudes towards dating: I haven’t dated or even attempted dating at at all as and adult and don’t even really know how to get a girlfriend, but I would want a serious relationship.

  3. Green Flags: Reads Books, Enjoy’s Hiking or is Athletic

    Red Flags: Has Tattoo’s, Owns a dog

  4. 35 and freshly out of a 4 year relationship. Broke up for a number of reasons, but biggest one was I wanted kids and she didn’t. So that has a huge impact on what I’m looking for in a relationship now, obviously.

    Green flags: Nurturing, generous, smiles/laughs easily, responsible

    Red flags: Lazy, if a single mom – doesn’t put her kids first, tries to act like a 20-something club girl. In terms of online dating profiles a HUGE red flag is too many filters or pictures that are only neck and above. I have no doubt it’s hard out there for bigger women, but don’t try to hide it. That’s always a losing strategy.

    Attitude towards dating: Optimistic. I’m not in a huge hurry, and I’m cautious not to rush in to anything, but I’m definitely dating with intention. I want to be a family man before I’m 40.

    Additional insights: Of course I view dating differently than I did when I was in my 20’s. This would be too long of a reply to describe all of the ways I view dating differently, but a few highlights are I value a woman who have a stable life that I’d be an addition to but not a crutch they want to lean on. I also really value maturity and responsibility more than I did before.

  5. Green flags: smart, funny, ambitious, independent, confident, sexual

    Red flags: insecure, jealous, lazy, pessimistic

    Attitude towards dating: I’m not going to try too hard. Not on any apps or going on formal “dates”. I like to make friends with a lot of different people and get to know them. If someone is interesting and there’s a spark, I’ll want to spend more time with them to get to know them better.

  6. I’m not single, but I’m also not monogamous, so I do still date from time to time.

    If I am to build anything long-term, she would have to be someone I can be myself around, and she would have to be herself as well. She would also need to be independent. Have her own mind, her own opinions, ideas, and hobbies.


    I’m more of a let’s see where this goes type. Maybe it stays casual, maybe it gets more serious, there are too many variables to list here. But if I were to summarize, I just want a little of your extra time

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