I was out hanging out with a few friends at a bar. One of them (someone who i consider a very close friend, and someone I think has *much* better social skills than me) said something and then i told a story related to what they had just said, and then after I finished, they just stared at me, and for an uncomfortable amount of time. The table was quiet, I fidgeted/glanced nervously. After a minute he said he was just messing with me. And then later in the night, he ‘sack tapped’ me (hit me in the balls, but comedically?). It’s all very out of character. I have shit social skills, so i assume i did/said something, a faux pas? What are your thoughts?

  1. I find sometimes when I tell a related story, it indicates that I wasn’t really listening to them. People don’t always want to hear about a similar experience from your perspective, sometimes it’s better to ask a relevant question to their story and allow them to continue sharing their experience.

    The best conversationalists listen intently and ask good questions

  2. That’s what good friends do, taking the piss out of eachother. Make eachother feel uncomfortable to the max and laugh hard about it.
    But have your back in any situation and be ready to be there for you when needed.

  3. Can you share the gist of the conversation?
    Maybe you rose up somehow.

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