I’ve noticed this when it comes to like annoying my wife and wanting her to give me attention. Which seems to be more of the woman wanting the guy to do it.

I’m always the one that goes up to my wife and want to cuddle next to her and annoy her if she’s just sitting in bed watching a show or something.

I’ve noticed that I’ve even had some “girl math” thoughts too.

I’m also always the one that’s cooking since my wife can’t cook lol.

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  2. In a few ways. I’m much more into physical affection and cuddling, as well as sharing feelings (even withbour kids). She makes more money. She’s messier than I am.

  3. My wife definitely doesn’t cook. I make her lunches for work and when I’m not here she’s packing granola bars and whatever is in the snack cupboard lol.

    I like cooking so it’s not really a huge problem, but man when I come home after working 12 hours and driving 3 on my first day off it would sure be nice to not also have to cook dinner….

    But she’s a teacher. She’s usually marking and doing school stuff (off the clock) until 10pm minimum so I don’t really sweat it.

  4. I’m cleaner, I cook more and better.

    I’m better organized, she’s messy.

    But, I can do everything, handy stuff too.

    She needs 10x the attention. I’m very physical though as well so it works.

    She’s more an emotional decision maker, I’m a more logical decision maker.

    I’m more educated, which is a female thing, women typically have more schooling.

    She’s more social

  5. In some ways, yes. But I attribute this to the projection of masculinity we were raised seeing in media not lining up with reality. I’d imagine the nagging, needy, damsel in distress trope of wives we saw growing up was no more true to reality then than it is now.

  6. The problem here is buying into the stereotypes. I’m a woman that’s been accused of “acting like a man” many times. But what does that even mean? I don’t want to be put into a box so why would you? Assigning gender to certain behaviors is what creates this insecurity in men.

  7. I have been told my eye contact is very assertive and therefore, masculine. I lip read tho.

  8. I married a country girl… it’s a bit awkward when something goes wrong with the vehicle and she’s underneath it in a dress before I can even offer to take a look 😂

  9. In some ways yes. I do most of the cooking, she does a bunch of the cleaning but I do my fair share to keep things clean as well. I am usually more cuddly and attention seeking.

    Though I am also the one who makes things happen. If something needs done, I get it done. If plans need to be made, I make them. If conversations need to be had I start them.

    To be fair, I don’t like people doing things for me, but I will always go out of my way to do things for people. I think it’s some kind of love seeking behavior. Accept me because I am reliable and attentive. 🤔

  10. So these gender roles are goofy as shit but yes definitely.

    * my wife is kinda a slob, I’m constantly responsible for keeping the house clean.

    * my wife is the constant bob vila, always fixing shit and working around the house while I’d rather hire someone to do that shit.

  11. I’ve always been sensitive, ever since I was a little kid.

    I grew up in a world that I felt completely alien from. I didn’t get sports and normal guy culture. It took well into my adulthood to appreciate the level of awareness and emotional intelligence I have.

    It has caused problems in relationships though. The messaging I see is that women want aware and emotionally intelligent and sensitive men.

    They appreciate how sensitive and aware I am, but they want me to also be these other “guy” things that I’m just not. It’s a very weird spot to be in when they want to want who you are but they really just want a guy who takes the lead and they feel protected by. This is just my own experience though, not saying it’s the rule.

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