So the past 3-4 days I haven’t been with my boyfriend much besides a few hours on one day, and a few another. Reason for this isn’t that I’m avoiding him, but I’m trying to stabilize myself. I have extremely bad mental health issues, and sometimes I just need that day, or a few days to stay in my room and self isolate to be okay. That’s how I cope. I’m also pregnant so I’m trying to keep ahold of myself and stay okay so the baby is okay. On top of that I just can’t mental deal with being around someone 24/7.

Okay so yesterday we got in this NASTY fight, honestly probably the worst fight we’ve ever been in and that shit broke me and threw me into a manic break at the end which makes me more worried for my child. This fight got worse because it started over him not seeing me for a few days much and he was mad and upset, and screaming about it, so it keeps going on and I try and explain my mental stuff and it seems like he thinks it’s a personal vendetta against him. So a few hours pass, I nap, we don’t talk and then I say you need to understand me and we need to compromise. His idea of a compromise was me “seeing him 7 days a week, for at least 1-2 hours a day”. I said that I’m not okay with this because it’s not really a fair compromise, “what about 6 days a week because I need days to myself” and he said no and that if I take days to myself he won’t talk to me the whole day. I feel so stuck. I feel so hurt. I’m not sure what to do. I personally believe if you love someone you don’t need to see them every day and phone calls or FaceTime is quality enough. Should I just force myself to be with him every day to make him happy or what do I do because I feel so lost. Apparently I’m in the wrong for not wanting to see him every day, but I don’t even want to see anyone every day, and we also are moving in together in less than a month.

He’s not a bad person, he has issues, as do I, but I feel like my hand is being forced here and I just don’t want to fight anymore because of my unborn child.

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