What is the worst thing another woman has done to you?

  1. Befriending me only to put me down and use me for my generosity and contacts. Several years of fake friendship that ended the second I declined them something they wanted. Today I would never have put up with it, but I was too young, too insecure and too desperate not to be alone back then, that I was just grateful that these popular, beautiful and skinny women wanted to be seen with me. “I *am* just as ugly and fat as they say, after all, so why shouldn’t they be able to tell me?”

    I’m aware it sounds like nothing, and I guess in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t that bad, like I was bullied for real my entire childhood, and that’s another kind of trauma entirely. But still, getting mocked and absolutely torn apart for everything from your face to your voice to the fucking width of your calves still hurts, and all those comments and all the pain they caused still sticks with me.

  2. Gaslight me and badmouth me to senior management at work so that they’d get rid of me. In second place is the female boss and alleged friend who saved her own ass by manoeuvring me out.

  3. Bully me, exclude me from group activities and turn my friends against me. All in high school, unfortunately it really damaged my self esteem. I thought there was something wrong with me and that I was an unpleasant person to be around for a long time. I’m in a much better environment now but I still struggle with social anxiety and making friends. I know others go through worse things though.

  4. Being my bestie for 5 years, and we were so close that I asked her to be a bridesmaid. Then a week after my wedding, she cuts me out because I don’t like her boyfriend who cheated on her for 6 months.

  5. We became friends through my ex. While we were still together, she asked to borrow money and gave a sob story about her ex fiancé, kids, etc. I gave it to her and said not to worry about paying me back. Turns out she was talking inappropriately with my boyfriend the whole time. It might not be the worst thing ever, but it stung on a different level. I just can’t imagine being that type of person.

  6. decide that after being friends for 23 years she would ghost me out of nowhere instead of dealing with conflict that she started based on something unfounded

  7. Stole all of my things, my blankets, my backpack, all of my money, everything I had except the clothes I was wearing and my knife (and only because she didn’t find it)

    It was the middle of winter in the North East and she was a cop who told me I should be grateful she didn’t bash my face in because no one would care

    Cops are generally horrible to homeless teenagers, but this almost killed me and I think she was very happy with herself

  8. When I was young and pregnant with my first kid, my boyfriend’s ex girlfriend started harassing me. She was following me around, showing up where I was and making nasty posts about me online. She started rumors that my boyfriend was cheating on me with her, and a bunch of other really mean things. It lasted for most of my pregnancy and caused a lot of stressed. I had to get the cops involved because she would not leave me alone. Years later she actually apologized, blamed being young, dumb and jealous and told me she made it all up.

  9. Seduce a potential boyfriend in front of me. She knew she fucked up because she blew up my phone the next day to see if we were good. This was a pattern for her.

    If I expressed interest in someone, she’d bring them into her bed.

    So yeah, she was really insecure and thought her only worth was between her legs. It was sad.

  10. Practically live at my house for years after her husband passed and then stopped on a dime when her son moved back to the area. Not just a natural reduction but completely quit the friendship without a word. Sent me back for mental health work as I felt so used.

  11. My ex and her mum combined came to my house and stole my cat. I’m disabled and the mum put me in a headlock and threw me on the ground twice when I was trying to stop them taking her. They lied to the police and said *I’d* attacked *them* and it was two against one so the police let them just take the cat and go.

  12. Starting a nasty and totally untrue rumor about me in high school. She was a total mean girl and when I hear how her life has turned out since high school, all I can think is that karma did it’s thing.

  13. She told me that she would be there for me when I left my abuser and that she would help me get my life back together. Then she completely stopped talking to me once I got brave enough to kick him out. She was my only friend in this city and I’ve never felt so alone in my life

  14. We were friends for over 20 years… the second I had a life-threatening accident and had to cancel an appointment with her due to the accident she didn’t speak to me anymore. It took me years to recover. After two years I asked why she wouldn’t talk to me anymore and she said it’s because I canceled on her.

  15. My best friend I had made as an adult. She was in my wedding, I supported her through her divorce and the aftermath. She ghosted me because I didn’t agree with her new relationship with a married man. While I still think about it occasionally I do not lose sleep over it.

  16. after 15 yrs of friendship was f*king my ex husband on regular base while telling me how she’s in love with another man

  17. It would be a woman doctor that treated me when I went for a visit to the ER. I am paraplegic and have another neurological disorder that gives a lot of very uncomfortable symptoms + severe pain. At the time of that visit I didn’t know I had it (it developed because of the paraplegia). I went to the ER because I suddenly felt very sick: extreme hot flashes, pounding headache, big chills that would shake my whole body.

    I think that because I didn’t know what was going on I had a panic attack and because I started to hyperventilate very hard I couldn’t move my arms anymore, something else at that time I didn’t know is a issue I have.

    Because I had a past history of eating disorders and some mental health issues I guess the intern assumed I was faking it for attention. She didn’t do any complementary tests other than a blood test and when I asked for water she put the glass close to me but didn’t help me drink because she told me she was sure I could grab it by myself. When the the panic attack calmed down I finally started to feel my arms again and I managed to grab the glass of water to drink. When she came in and saw that she literally said “oh so it’s working now, how surprising” and after they gave me some IVs and my vitals went back to normal they sent me back home.

    If she had done more tests or sent me to a hospital ward to do more testing then maybe they would’ve caught the neurological disorder I have that was still developing at that time and they might have reversed it before it became too late. I kind of hate the woman even though I don’t know her and don’t even remember her face.

  18. My mother especially was my biggest critic and crucifix in one. She let my dad get away with sa me but at least she taught me how to cook spinach and cheese stuffed chicken

  19. My mother was an abusive bully and my entire family denies it so it really can’t be worse than that.

  20. Chose her boyfriend who had more red flags than the Gryffindor stands in a Quidditch match over me. Then proceeded to join in when he was backchatting about me so she could win brownie points with him.

    They’re still together years later and I’ve heard from the grapevine they don’t have the best relationship but it seems like she’s terrified of being single. A couple of years ago I envied her because she had a boyfriend. Now I pity her.

  21. Sleep with my then boyfriend and pretend she was just going through some personal stuff at home, which was why she was acting distant around me.

  22. I stayed with my mom’s aunt and grandma when I was in high school cuz they lived in the city. After a couple of months, I faced constant verbal torture. I was fine with my great grandma cuz she was too old anyway but to this day, I can’t forgive my mom’s aunt. The 2 and a half years I spent there was like prison. I was 14 when I moved in ffs

  23. Just the usual. Bullied me, bad mouthed me, talked shit about me. It happened as a tween/teen and again in the workplace in my 30’s. Certain women just really wanted to bring me down, it took years to understand it was about them and not me. It really affected my self esteem anyway, still does.

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