hi evehrone , i feel like this is kind of an odd situation which is probbaly quite overdramatised by myself lol.

i was at a festival on the wknd and managed to blackout on multiple substances . i have no recollection of the night at all and have been dating my bf for a month now, a person who i am geniunrly incredibly grateful for and like alot . he is the sweetest person and apparently he sat with me in the sick tent for 3 hours whilst i was deifnitely throwing up and being disgusting , and then proceeded to uber with me all the way home , where he tucked me into bed and then ubered 49 minutes back out to the festival to grab my car , and then drive it back to my house for me in the middle of the night whilst i was asleep. i am absolutely humiliated , this is so unlike me and i absolutely hate myself for letting it happen because he missed out the best part of the night because of me . i feel so so horrible and embarassed and i don’t know how to make it up to him. any tips and advice please ?

TLDR; got too drunk at a festival and costed my bf his night and his own enjoyment of the festival .

  1. The only way to get over it is to talk to him about it. Tell him you are humiliated and feel awful that you ruined his enjoyment of the evening but tell him how lucky you feel that he was willing to do all that for you and that you are grateful to him for making sure you are safe. He seems like he could be a keeper.

  2. Judging by what you wrote, in his place I wouldn’t mind and would do to again without thinking twice 😉

    I have one question though: if your car was at the festival why did you Uber home? Was he also unable to drive?

  3. You talk to him about it. Own your mistake and apologize about it (Look up how to make a sincere apology). Then figure out how to move forward. I would suggest backing off of taking substances.

  4. His reaction signals it’s totally fine – and he’s told you it’s totally fine. There will be other festivals.

  5. You don’t need to “make it up to him”. A normal guy likes helping his girl when she genuinely needs help and it makes a guy feel good to do so.

    All you have to do is thank him and show him respect.

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