When, if ever, have you initially found a guy to be creepy but then changed your mind once you got to know him?

  1. Never, not a single time

    First impressions are crazy important to me, if someone is creepy right off the bat that’s how I’m always going to see him

    And I don’t know many other girls who feel different.

  2. Never. I don’t make that judgement for no reason, he then has acted creepy towards me or someone else.

  3. Never. Every person who gave creepy vibes and who I got to know better over time turned out to be a creeper. Every single one of them.

    I’ve had it happen far more often the other way: someone who didn’t initially seem creepy but who turned out to be incredibly so over time.

  4. Literally never. I don’t just randomly find someone creepy for no reason. The opposite happens all the time though, where a guy I initially thought wasn’t creepy turns out to be creepy af.

  5. That’s never, ever happened in my experience. I know a lot of guys on reddit like to claim that women label all unattractive men as “creepers” but I don’t use the word lightly, and my instincts around it have never let me down yet.

  6. Never, there’s something about a woman’s intuition when it comes to men. If you think they’re creepy 99% of the time they’re actually creepy and not right in the head.

  7. I’ve talked to guys before that weren’t necessarily creepy but definitely had some red flags that I ignored and I really wish I would’ve listened to my gut. Be careful

  8. It hasn’t happened yet. If I was feeling creeped out I didn’t continue to engage enough with that person to “figure out” if it was warranted or not.

  9. Well one time I thought this guy was only a little creepy but he turned out to be extremely fucking creepy. Does this count as changing my mind?

  10. Can’t recall a time this has ever happened. Generally if I’m getting creepy vibes from someone, it’s for good reason.

  11. I wouldn’t say I found him creepy, but I got skeeved out by a friend of mine in the first few weeks of knowing him. He had a partner but was definitely being flirty and it was uncomfortable. Turns out he is polyamorous and when he asked me out and I turned him down he was super respectful. His flirty body language and comments disappeared immediately and now we’re good friends. He even checks in with me about physical touch (“hey, you’ve got a bug on your shoulder, mind if I get it?”) Great guy.

  12. Never. If anything, my first impressions have always been confirmed. My creepdar is accurate AF.

  13. I’m notorious for giving people too many chances… the creeps check out each time. If anything they get creepier as they get older!

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