I have an apartment gym that I enjoy going to, specially because it has all the weight and equipment’s I need and is never busy, no waiting.

I’m curious if there’s any benefit of actually paying a gym membership?

In the past, I’ve joined 24 hr fitness and I had to wait a really long time for the weights or machines to be free.

  1. If the apartment gym has all that you need and it’s in a state of good repair, don’t waste your money on a gym. The only benefit you would get from a gym is additional machine options.

  2. I have a fairly high degree of care taking. So I will show up to places because people will be disappointed if I don’t.

    I completed a whole bunch of community college equivalent courses because there were people who said “where were you yesterday?”

    But when I signed up for an online course, I did one unit, and never got back to it.

    If you are like that, and will show up because the group of people who are always there when you go will be sad if they don’t see you for a while, that is a very good reason.

  3. I mean, you could possibly get a pool, classes, tanning booths, and additional equipment but I bet it is not worth the money/time/hassle.

    Sounds like you’re *all set*. Enjoy that (I’ve come to treasure every “all set” I get now, as they seem all too rare the last decade or so).

  4. I can only think of two good reasons for joining a gym vs. using the one in your building. First, if you need some social interaction in your life. Second, if you travel for work and want a consistent place to visit. If you’re fine with your social life and you stay home, might as well use the apartment’s facilities.

  5. All good answers. The only other one I thought of is that some people are more likely to use something if they have some money invested in it. I mean you are paying for the apartment gym, but it may not feel like it and may not give the same feeling of “I am paying for it so I better use it” that a gym would.

    Maybe another reason would be that the apartment gym may not be maintained as well, but YMMV on that.

    Personally, if it were me I would use the apartment gym as well.

  6. It’s a personal question. Over the past year, I left my martial arts gym membership of 15 years to work on some injury recovery. I joined a 24 (about 1/5 the price) and used my home rower. The 5×5 weights routine at the gym took me twice as long as my usual strength and conditioning class because I had to wait for equipment and I just move slower by myself. After 11 months, I couldn’t take it and joined the martial arts gym again. I missed the social aspect and the pressure, praise, and support from the coach.

  7. Depending on the gym, there will be lots of eye candy. Women wear basically nothing at the gym these days.

    I’m happily taken. But a guy’s gotta look every once in a while

  8. A few reasons I advocate for a gym.
    1) equipment: it is not safe to lift heavy without a competent spotter or safety bars etc
    2) lack personal accountability – having the gym community help keep you accountable
    3) additional benefits – spa, pool, classes, saunas

    Gyms aren’t for everyone; if mine didn’t offer a ton of additional extra benefits I’d use the one I built during Covid at home more.

  9. I LOATHE working out alone. I go to a gym now that is only classes. Bonus is that it also feels like a night club.

    My situation and preferences are mine, I know; but overall sometimes classes are not offered in apartments. Sometimes good equipment may not be found in apartments either.

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