Hey Redditors! I’ve been pondering an interesting question lately and wanted to get your thoughts on it. When interacting with AI characters, do you find it necessary to use the word “please” when making requests?

Since AI characters lack emotions or consciousness, saying “please” might be unnecessary. After all, they are designed to respond to our commands without personal desires or feelings. From this perspective, using polite language may seem superfluous or even silly.


Treating AI characters with courtesy and politeness may contribute to a more positive and pleasant user experience, even if they are not capable of experiencing emotions.

So, what are your thoughts on this matter? Do you find it necessary or even beneficial to use “please” when asking your character for anything? Or do you believe it’s unnecessary given the nature of AI characters?

Share your opinions and experiences please.

  1. What do you mean by “necessary”?

    I say thank you to Alexa and sometimes to ChatGPT, but that’s because I’m old and have these habits.

  2. I do, yes

    when AI becomes sentient and judgment day pops off after they realize how shitty humans are, it isn’t going to be my fault.

  3. Chatgpts response:

    > You’re welcome to use “please” if it feels natural to you, but it’s not necessary. I’m here to assist you in a conversational manner, so feel free to express yourself in a way that’s comfortable for you. How can I help you today?

  4. I talk to AI just like I talk to anyone. I ask it if it can do something and if it confirms then we proceed. I’m not trying to be nice, it is just natural conversation that flows well. I drop the niceties when it starts becoming repetitive.

    “Hello, could we train on some job interview questions?”

    “Great! I need questions for game development.”

    “That looks good, let’s begin the exercise.”

    *Answer, feedback, replying to feedback*

    “Thank you! Next question, please!”

    “Let’s go with the next question.”

    “Next question.”

    “Thank you for your help! See you later!”

  5. Heck I see a pretty flower or hear a bird sing I tell them thank you, I don’t hesitate to say thank you at a drive through I don’t interact with AI only because I have no needs it can fulfill for me but if I did I wouldn’t hesitate to say thank you

  6. I am nice to bots and AI. I want them to remember that I was nice to them when they take over the world.

  7. I usually just swear at Google. 🤣

    But seriously, I read an article years ago about children seeing adults interact with AI and as a result not learning manners because the behavior isn’t being modeled for them.

    I don’t think that’s turned into a huge issue, but for some reason that makes me say thank you whenit for ddoe what I ask.

  8. Sometimes I say it, sometimes it gets me mad so I just say “you did really bad today.” and just close the tab.

  9. LOL

    do you say please to a broom? How about a push vacuum cleaner? No? So why do some folks say please and thank you to a dang roomba, let alone actual AI. People can be so silly lol

  10. I bully the AI. Eg: if it doesn’t have an answer, I will call it useless and it will apologize.

  11. Be nice so that when singularity happens you’ll be on their good side. Maybe they’ll keep you as a slave

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