I ( 22 M) met a guy (22 M) on an app and we met once. Before meeting we had long discussions about various aspects of life and now after meeting he takes longer and longer to get back to me.

I def sensed the pull but didn’t want to jump to conclusions so I invited him to check out the downtown area and he agreed but on the day we were supposed to meet he cancelled 3 hrs before saying he didn’t feel well to which I said no problem and he asked for a rain check. Then he told me he came out to his parents to which I responded but I didn’t hear back from him for 22 hrs.

During that period I went back on the apps to distract myself and noticed he was online and low-key I felt kinda disrespected to have my texts ignored for so many hours while he was prob chatting with other peeps. So I straight up didn’t respond after I got his response 22 hours later. But I also feel bad because ik (if he’s telling the truth) he’s going through stuff.

I crafted a text that I didn’t send:

“Hey man, I saw your snap but didn’t know how to respond since I also noticed our communication seemed a lot slower. I’m def down to talk about your situation with your parents since ik what you’re going through is pretty rough but it’s also cool with me if we go our separate ways if we don’t have a connection”

Should I send this or should I ghost him?

1 comment
  1. Urgh. Look i would send. There are some guys that seem like its gonn be an argument/back and forth/high maintenance and thats when i struggle with sending a final text but this sounds straight enough (haha)

    It is annoying i know. The reality is that some ppl dont know theyre doing it and i figure even if i dont wanna deal with it anymore, i hope that they know for the next people.

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