My boss is someone that I really look up to and inspires me. He has a strong work ethic, very efficient, smart, optimistic and all around a great person to be working for. He doesn’t mind spending extra hours teaching and explaining to me how stuff works and empowering me (I’m new to working life, only 1.5 years in and have been in a technical role).

Whereas I am the opposite of him, mostly. So is it weird that sometimes if I’m stuck or feeling demotivated, I would try to pretend I am him (thought process wise lol) and operate like how I think his brain works. It’s a success a lot of the time!

But idk is this weird? For some reason I feel like if I’m him I’d be a little creeped out 😂.

  1. Humans are pack animals. That is how we are wired to operate.

    The problem is that capitalism has damaged so many people, that often those in power are people who you think “what would Dave do in this situation”

    And then do the exact opposite.

    So no, not weird at all. It is in fact how it is supposed to work, that a person who has more wisdom and experience guides you into adulthood. Sadly it is rare. You are just really really lucky.

    At some point you should tell your boss that you feel this way.

    A few years ago, a young man who used to work for me, told his mother, that passed it on to me, that he said to her at one point, that I was the standard by which he measured all other managers.

    Which chuffed me to no end.

  2. It’s actually quite inspiring to see how you adopt your boss’s work ethic when you’re feeling stuck or demotivated

    It shows your willingness to learn and grow in your career

    Keep up the great work!

  3. All bosses should be striving to make a positive impact on their workforce, sounds like you’ve got a nice gig.

  4. It’s ok. I do that too. But, i pretend to be anime and light novel character. There this character name Ayanokoji from ‘Class Room of Elite’. Just always think that I’m him every time I feel overwhelmed or maybe lazy to do anything.

  5. You admire your boss. You take on their positive qualities. This helps you and improves your performance. I would imagine your boss would be flattered and very happy with you. Learn all you can from this person while you can. Not every boss you have will be like this.

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