Okay hear me out, we broke up about 2 months ago so he’s technically still my ex but we are currently considering reconciling and maybe getting back together after we feel things out for a little. I have my breast augmentation in about 2 weeks and I’m torn as to whether I should share this with him or not. While we were dating, I did express my insecurities in my chest along with an interest in possibly getting a boob job. He said he would support me in the decision, but that he personally doesn’t want me to change anything.

What is the best course of action? I’m doing this for ME and me only, but I don’t want to feel like I’m hiding anything from him if I don’t tell him.

  1. he’s your ex. you don’t need to tell him anything. if y’all get back together, then you can mention something if you want, if he breaks up w you for it, it’s his problem.

  2. I obviously don’t know the full story but I worry that you would be telling him about your breast augmentation partially in hopes that that will help attract him to you more. I know you said

    > I’m doing this for ME and me only

    but if that’s the case, why does he even need to know? You were going to do it anyway. And if you two were to get back together, he already said he’d support you anyway. You shouldn’t have any real trepidation about what his opinion will be if you: 1) are doing this for you and only you, and (2) if he already told you he supports it regardless.

    So knowing that, I feel like the only other reason to tell him now, when you’re deciding if you’re going to date, is to sway him one way or the other. Usually trying to use sex/your body to bring an ex back goes poorly, especially if the major issues in the first iteration of the relationship haven’t been corrected.

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