So first of all I’m on Tinder. I am in the suburbs so not in like a big city – but a decent sized suburb for sure.

Anyway, match with this girl. After talking, we end up figuring out that we live a BLOCK away from one another. In the suburbs, that’s kinda crazy.

Anyways, we both work from home. She asks me if I want to meet up during our lunch break and go for a walk. I tell her sure – but I noted earlier in our conversation that she said she was sick. I said…aren’t you sick though? She said she had a bad couch and sounded really horse in the voice. She said yeah I’m stick but…I can walk. I said that I didn’t want to risk getting sick – and that we can walk when shes better.

Her response was ‘”That’s fine…I’m going to walk regardless so don’t worry”

I didn’t hear from her the rest of the night. I sent a good morning text at 10AM today. It’s been 5 hours and no response.

Should I just delete her phone number and take the loss? Can’t stand when I get in situations like this where it FEELS like the girl goes cold for reasons that seem weird or foreign to me. This literally happens all the time on Online dating. I don’t get it…but it Makes me overthink so much. Any advice?

  1. You’re way too early to throw in the towel 😅 She could be busy. Just keep her number and try asking for that walk in a few days or next week or something

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