I’m a 24 year old woman and I am really struggling to make friends. I work 9-5 and live with my parents and basically always just stay in because I have absolutely no social life apart from playing soccer on the weekends. I really don’t know how this happened because in high school I always had a large group of friends who I would hang out with both in school and out. In college, I had less friends but I was busy so I didn’t really care.

But one day I woke and I found myself completely alone. I lost touch with all the friends made in my academia years, with my closest ones unfollowing me on instagram for absolutely no reason (there probably is a reason I just don’t know why). I generally think it’s something to do with me, I feel like people just get don’t click with me and I don’t get it.

My breakdowns of my past relations have now made me second guess myself and I just stay quiet and don’t speak to anyone. Even at my work I am known as the ‘quiet one’. I don’t know how to change this and I don’t know if anyone has any tips on how I can make friends. I am really desperate as I feel like my life is slipping away. I only ever go out with my 10 year old sister or my mom and I know they both think I am a massive loser.

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