I 23M husband 26M got married almost 1 year ago. Since then we have been intimate about 20 times but the last time 1 1/2 months I haven’t wanted to do anything.

My husband and I have communicated after he told me that me not wanting to be intimate with him makes him feel like he’s done something bad and that I don’t want to be with HIM specifically. He told me he has urges to be with me and me only due to how much he loves me and that I made him feel bad and that he did something

I reassured him that it was me that made me not want to be intimate as the last time that we did I felt disgusted in myself and it wasn’t because of him and that I was making changes for myself and will eventually be ready.

That was 2 weeks ago and he asked me yesterday when I would be ready to be intimate as our 1 year anniversary is coming up. I told him I don’t have an answer for that as I don’t know. I later heard him crying in our room and now feel really bad and guilty what should I do please I need help

  1. Sounds like therapy might be in order?

    What have you been doing specifically to work through whatever it is that makes you feel disgusted with yourself?

  2. You don’t have to be intimate if you don’t want to.

    But if you don’t it is not a normal relationship abd it is understandable your husband is hurt and thinks this is against him.

    You could try coupplescouncelling, but if it fails, it might be time to end that (non-)marriage.

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