Whenever I am engaged in a conversation with others about things that I may or may not be interested in, I am often unable to present any elaborate opinions or thoughts about it that would prolong the conversation. I am usually the quiet one in a group that nods and simply agrees or disagrees with others opinions or ideas instead of presenting coming up with my own. I can usually talk more about things I enjoy, but I will also not have much opinions or much to talk about it. I also feel like I don’t have enough general knowledge of the world or most things for casual talk. I feel all this ties with me not being able to establish and maintain friendships.

  1. If you can’t talk … listen and ask questions … its called focus light tactic … be the one who controls the flow of conversation by giving and taking attention to the speakers … let them compete for your attention ! By doing so you flip the table .. where the active listener controls the conversation rather than speaker !

  2. Do you really not ever have any opinions or are you just too worried about potentially offending the other person?

  3. Then start reading books, news articles, listen to podcasts, etc. Look, if you want to develop your own views on subjects, then you have to put in time and effort into reading up and understanding things. It has to be something you do on a consistent basis. You are the product of your actions and choices.

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