Sometimes, people will say it might be dangerous to compliment someone of the opposite gender, because they may take it the wrong way, but do you still compliment people in general?

  1. Yes I do.

    I usually say “hey this is not a come on or a flirtation, I just wanted you to know you are very handsome/beautiful, or whatever adjective I think of”

  2. No. For some reason, I can never bring myself to carry out interactions that aren’t “necessary.”

  3. Yeah I try to, not really at school tho bc anxiety is too much there, but when someone compliments me I hold onto that shit fr

    Remember when someone said I had pretty eyes at work months ago

  4. Yes, I regularly compliment people of both sexes and of no sexes. If I think someone has a cool shirt or hat or if they did a good job at something or if I just think they are rad in general I will usually tell them so. As a rule I don’t talk about peoples physical body unless they outright ask me to.

  5. yes!! if i like a necklace or someone’s makeup or something i’ll always hype myself up to let them know, it’ll make them smile and they might have more of a pep in their step (i only do it to women lol not men)

  6. That sounds great! Are you a moon? Or are you a star that shines regardless of the universe? Take your pick.

  7. I try to compliment someone’s shirt/hair/style at least 2x a week. It makes me feel good as well as making others happy.

  8. Yeah I wouldn’t compliment a guy I wasn’t romantically interested in unless I’d been platonic friends with him for a very longgggg time. As in grew up together long time. Girls though, I do compliment if I think something they did looks nice.

  9. I try to, mostly to strangers, though I get self conscious if it sounds forced. So whenever the thought naturally appears, I will usually just say that and then leave right away (mostly out of shyness). I stick to hair and clothes.

  10. I have this thing called “Feel-Good Fridays”…every Friday, you tell someone something just to make them feel good.

    Of course, you can do it every day!…but it’s a good reminder.

  11. Yes. I do it. But just as a way to bring good energy to others.

    If you have intentions of getting something from others, people will be able to tell and the compliment won’t feel good.

    Give an honest compliment, make someone else day better, you’ll feel better, and go on with your day.

  12. Compliments to anybody work as long as they are sincere and reflect something the person did or achieved. Also, make sure to not put them up on a pedestal. For example, there is a difference between saying “You’re talented” versus “I wish I was talented like you”. The former is an actual compliment, while the latter appears to be a compliment but actually is a subtle means of self deprecation and low self esteem on your part.

  13. No, I just say what I mean. I don’t give compliments to boost their mood if I give one it’s cuz I had a positive observation I wanna share. I’m a genuine person not a schmoozer

  14. I always say I will but then I never do because of my anxiety. Once I can work up the courage I’m definitely going to compliment people more to brighten their day

  15. Yes, as often and as genuinely as I can.

    I DO NOT want to be the guy who makes someone’s day worse. If I can make it better, I’ll try to.

  16. Absolutely. Be the light tou wish to see in this world. In psych wards I went to, there were a few who attempted suicide. Almost all of then say how a simple smile or hello that day would’ve changed their minds. A little goes a long way, and it doesn’t need to be reciprocated.

  17. Yes I do. I am a straight man and I am cautious how I compliment. Man or woman, If the person is a friendly stranger I’m interacting with, or an acquaintance, I will usually compliment a choice they made. If I am complementing something on their body like a new haircut or a jacket, then I am cautious to not say that the item “looks good on you” because that sounds like a come on. Instead, I phrase it such as “wow, cool shoes,” or “did you get your nails done? Looks awesome!” If they are a good friend and we have an established trust bond and shared sense of humor, then I may say more extravagant compliments that fit the boundaries of our friendship.

  18. I mainly do walk by compliments. For example, as I am walking past someone in a grocery store I will say “cool shoes” or whatever, but continue walking. It prevents the awkwardness of someone thinking you are expressing interest in them personally. That’s literally all I had to say to that person, so waiting around for a response just makes it weird.

  19. oh my gosh yes, all the time. Because when someone says something nice to me, I really appreciate it. I’ll admit that most of my compliments go to women (I’m a woman) because I prefer not to have misunderstandings.

    I also go out of my way to say hello to people in wheelchairs or similar bc I’ve heard people say that they are simply ignored. So for instance I was strolling past this woman in a giant motorized wheelchair, she seemed to have multiple disabilities, just a lot going on. And/but she was wearing these very bright and glittery sneakers. So I just said “Oh I love your pretty shoes.” I worried that this was condescending but they were legit really cute.

    I think it just makes the world a nicer place. I think people can tell if your intentions are good.

  20. I do but not bc I want to make their day but bc I feel they need to hear it since no one else will probably say it (im very forward in a positive way) whether it makes their day or not i do not know. I just love people and if I’m in a good mood and see something I can comment (positively on)I’ll say it

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