I always look so awkward especially if im not wearing a hoodie because I can’t just put my hands in my hoodie pockets.

  1. Superman pose makes a positive statement over other things you could do with your hands. Haha.

  2. Cross arms, but not in the “i don’twanna talk to you” way, but the “im confident and i own it” kind of way

  3. I do pockets but subconsciously, honestly nobody notices. In social environments theres no such thing as a template. You can’t treat everything like coding, or math courses. There’s no guidelines, just be yourself. Don’t overthink , what helped me overcome this was edibles. It helped me look outside my cycle and just let everything go. Since then everything has been working out for me mentally and professionally at work

  4. Put your hands behind your back and just grab one arm. Stand with your chest out. Whatever you do never walk into a room on your iPhone, because it shows weakness and a lack of self-confidence.

  5. Why not observe people around you and go from there what are internet strangers supposed to do for you. What a bizarre question.

  6. I carry around an empty cereal box. If anyone approaches me, I tell them that I already ate all the Fruit Loops and ask if they need this box for cereal storage.

  7. If I’m wearing a sweatshirt or jacket, hands in pockets.

    Generally, I guess I leave them at my sides or cross my arms

  8. Thumbs in pockets, hands in back pockets, sweatshirt pockets…


    Also I almost always have a fidget with me in my pockets to mess with. That helps a lot.

  9. Whatever you want? Everyone else is thinking too hard about what they are doing with their hands to notice.

  10. Practice focusing your attention y something outside of your body. Practice not being selfconsious.

  11. I like to hold the waist of my pants at my sides, crating a sorta sideways V with my arms. Can relaxed my arms, my hands are something and it looks like I’m contemplating some heavy shit lol

  12. Lol what’s the context? You DEFINITELY don’t wanna walk around with your hands in your pants pockets all the time. That screams lack of confidence.

  13. Pockets are good or intertwine your finger in front of you. Or you could hold something like your phone, sunglasses, a bag.

  14. Tbh i just grab my phone, I live grabbing my phone and scrolling through it bc idk what to do without anything in my hands.

    One hand grabs the phone and the other the backpack

  15. Make exaggerated, jazzy hand movements to reinforce your point – and maybe, just maybe distract the other people from your poor social skills

  16. Stop overthinking it. When you overthink things, it will always be unnatural. Just keep it natural, and everything should fall into place.

  17. Pockets help. I like to cup my chin sometimes, or put a finger up to my face if I’m sitting at a table or chair with arms. Play with any jewelry you have on your fingers or wrist.

  18. One hand in your pocket with thumb out, the other by your side. Back straight, chest out. Relaxed and confident.

    Hands on hip/waist is another confident pose.

    Hands lightly clasped in front of you.

    Minimal hand gestures when talking or at least not wild gestures.

    Do not put both hands in your pocket. Do not fidget with them. Do not cross your arms. These all scream defensive, closed off or nervous.

  19. The real question is what should you do with your shoulders. Try to naturally depress and rotate your shoulders back.

  20. I usually either fiddle with my phone or fold my hands together in front like a shy schoolgirl or at the back like an old man.

  21. Take your hands and put them together. Begin to pray that you end up in an environment that you are comfortable in.

  22. that’s the reason I started smoking regularly haha. But I really don’t recommend it. When I don’t smoke, instead I keep a toothpick in my mouth. I have an arm across my belly, like when you cross your arms, and another, leaning on it playing with the toothpick (without picking my teeth). When I speak I take it out. If I don’t have it I adopt the Playmobil position, it makes you laugh a bit but I don’t recommend it either haha

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