How do you meet new people that could become friends in your 40s and beyond?

  1. Find activities that you enjoy that also have a social component. Meet people at events, talk to them.

  2. I’m hanging out at a gaming bar once a week and play D&D. Eventually we started doing things every once in a while outside of game/bar.

    The important things here is frequency and consistency. A lot of meetups are monthly. THat’s not enough IME. You gotta get out there at LEAST once a week with the same people. It takes a LOT of time together to really start forming bonds. WE took a lot of that for granted in school where we were spending 6-8 hours a day with the same people for years on end. As an adult you’ve got to find ways to get as close to that as possible.

  3. Warhammer worked for me, but I took a break starting at the end of 9th. I’m sure I could find some more people around my age if I started playing again.

  4. Work, thats rhe only place i go other than home. Made one of my most trusted friends at work

  5. My stepfather met 10+ livelong friends in his 50’s at his cycling club. Common interests and goals go a long way.

  6. A good amount of people I know and are friends with are ~50 but I’m half their age does that count

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