My partner and I have been dating for three years, he has two sons and I have two daughters. He asked me to move in with him BUT we have very different parenting styles. My daughters will be leaving for college soon (in a 1yr) so it will be just me. One of his sons lives with him and the other visits every other weekend. The son that lives with him has no boundaries, shows no respect for adults and requires constant supervision (he’s 12yrd old) he has been “diagnosed” with anger issues and takes medication. In my opinion the child needs discipline, lots of it. His mother does not help neither, every weekend that is her turn to take him, the child goes into a burst of anger, punching walls and throwing things complicating the transition.

I was thinking that if i move in with him the responsibly will fall on me too, and I’m afraid my parenting styles can get me in trouble lol i raised my girls with disciple, love and punishment sometimes involving the belt. So i don’t know what to do? I love my partner, he is nice to me and treats me well but when it comes to his children there is no disciple. I’m afraid it will get worse once his child is an adolescent. Pleases advise

  1. > punishment sometimes involving the belt.

    I’m sorry? You should not be around children. Literally. Does he know you beat your daughters?

  2. Don’t do it!!!!!!!!

    Do NOT move in with him until his youngest son has finished high school at least.

    Source: Me, I am a biomom and a stepmom who has seen both sides of the fence.

  3. Yeah I couldn’t be with someone who beat their children, so yeah definitely deal breaker. If anyone ever came near my children with a belt I’d be calling the cops

  4. Is this a troll post? Are you really here looking for sympathy because your partner won’t hit his kid when you think he should? Holy shit.

  5. You shouldn’t be near anyone’s children or judging anyone’s parenting. You hit children with a belt. That is abuse. I don’t care about anything else you wrote.

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