[first post](https://reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/2ieGL7CR6R)

First of all, I’d like to clarify that I said that I spent *years* obsessed with him because I met him at 17, and that obsession lasted until I turned 21 and finally started therapy. And I clarify that because a lot of people told me so many horrible things thinking that I was obsessed with him in my mid-twenties and it wasn’t like that.
I’m not proud of having done everything I did to get his attention but while I was doing those things my family, including my uncle, just laughed and joked about, no one ever let me know how ridiculous I looked for doing those things, so somehow I thought that what I was doing was okay or that it was funny.

And for those who said that I didn’t let my husband choose his partner, he did. Since I started therapy I stopped pursuing him and even moved a few hours away from him to try to see him as little as possible, and he was the one who, after a year of not seeing me, drove hours to visit me. We were friends (no obsession involved) for almost two years until we decided to start dating, and I was always honest and told him all the things I did to get his attention, because I didn’t want to start a friendship full of lies, and he told me that he already knew because it was obvious. And the truth is that it didn’t bother him but he didn’t find it funny either, we only started joking about it once we were already a couple. And we started dating and got married because we BOTH wanted it, I didn’t force him.

And I also wanted to clarify that I would NEVER hurt my daughter, and it was horrible to read comments from so many people saying that I would be capable of doing something to hurt her. Yeah, I sprained my ankle on purpose so my husband would drive me to college when I was a fucking TEENAGER, but I’m almost thirty now and I clearly wouldn’t do something like that again for anyone.

Regarding my family, I decided to give them another chance and invited them to my husband’s 46th birthday party with the condition that none of them would bring up things from the past. I told them that it hurt me to be reminded of how ridiculous I was in the past because their jokes make me feel ashamed and make my husband uncomfortable, and that if they don’t stop then that would be the end of our relationship and they wouldn’t be able to see my daughter either. And I guess naming my daughter helped because they didn’t say anything all night and at least my mom apologized for making me feel bad.

I just hope they don’t behave like before, because I don’t want my daughter to grow up hearing those things, of course at some point we will have to tell her how we met but we want to tell her in another way, we don’t want her to think that harassing people and obsessing over them is normal or funny. So that’s all, I really appreciated the helpful comments, thank you.

  1. You gotta stop saying you were a teenager because teenagers don’t act like this unless they got mental health issues.

    Just say you had some issues you dealt with in therapy.

    And tell your daughter than entire truth. As in what you did, how wrong it was and that you got the help you needed. Because romantising your actions could lead to your daughter ending up in either yours or your husband’s position.

  2. Your husband is smart and you’re being hypersensitive to this. He clearly is aware of your past. He may even be flattered that you spend so long pining for him. You ended up getting him in the end, something that almost never happens. So maybe just relax about this. When the time is right you can explain to your daughter that pursuing someone so single-mindedly when you’re just a child is really not the way to go.

  3. How is your family not uncomfortable that your husband was over 30+ and knew you as an underage kid who was very clearly obsessed with him.

  4. You sound very unstable

    Gosh it’s fascinating how life allows some ppl the privilege of procreating but not others

  5. You know what I got from this story is that if I manifest enough ima eventually get my man. Thank you OP 🤣

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