Hello, me(27m) and my wife (28F) are in an abusive relationship. This is not a vent. This has been a long time coming. I have been in an abusive relationship for almost 7 years. She is bipolar and just recently unlocked schizophrenia. When I met her, it was my first relationship, and she didn’t disclose to me that she was bipolar for at least 6 months into the relationship. I was a stupid 18; I had thought about my future, and to be honest, my depression had me wishing I was going to die soon anyway. Well, fast forward 3 years and find girls’ saved on Instagram. Sexually she is alright, never really matches my energy with it. I’ll be honest, it was sort of slimy of me, but the fight ended up with me in jail. I had dealt with insult after insult and arguments that made no sense and kept rotating back into other arguments. That day, a rage swept over my entire body, and I couldn’t help but poke her as hard as I could. Anyway, the years got better for me, and my eyes opened up to how dark this relationship was. My love was strong, but the logic in my head kept screaming. With her conditions, a fight breaks out about every 2 days, and I’ve learned to deal with the insults and escalations. The abuses are mostly verbal, she did recently kick me in the face though, I myself after years have learned to sit on her so she doesn’t try anything. We’ve tried getting a psychiatrist, but due to a once-monthly appointment, if her medication is wrong, I’ll have to deal with the abuse until the next appointment. Well, this year she ended up developing schizophrenia. This has been a new roller coaster. I truly felt as if my heart was bleeding from my chest whenever she first went in. This made me feel like I loved her more than anything else. This has been confusing as she recently pulled a knife on me. I convinced her to put it down, but still, that is crazy. Her pills typically never work. She then went into panic mode and drove our car around the city. I was so nervous she would crash the car. A little more background to this is that she has never been able to hold a job, which I was never concerned with. I have health insurance for her and can pay for everything at the same time. If I were to leave her, she promised she would kill herself and possibly me too. If I left, she would have nothing in this world. Every day I wake up is like a new day, where my concerns are there but manageable. I really wish I never fell in love with her. But now that I am I can’t help but feel truly sorry for her.I don’t know what to do. A young me made a mistake and now I am feeling dread. She has been admitted to the hospital again for schizophrenia, but every time I call her, I tell her I love her, and she just sounds aggressive with me and totally dismissive. This might be because they take her pills away, but still, it is so discouraging. If i left now, I would feel like I kicked someone well they are down. I don’t know. What would you do in my situation?
sorry for the grammar errors.

  1. There is only one way “forward” in an abusive relationship, and that is OUT.

    And you need to get out in such a way that she can’t contact you. She can’t have your address (get a PO box), you need a new phone number, and you might even need a restraining order — assuming that her threats to harm herself and you are credible.

    If you are in the US call [The Hotline](https://www.thehotline.org) and talk to them.

  2. The best time is to leave is when she’s in the hospital. Inform the ward team so that they can make a social care referral and make sure she has an accommodation before discharge

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