I am 31m and my girlfriend is as 26f we have a different sex drive I want a lot more but she doesn’t want so much. I love her so much but our sex life looks like poor for me, for her as she say’s it’s for than enough and I feel like pushing her more than normal for sex and I don’t want to so I try not to ask for it so often but these get me nervous and mad without realising it . Anyway I have talk to her about that but she keeps saying that because I don’t work all the time I have more sex drive and she can’t have more. I respect it but still this keeps me hungry and I find myself looking other women only for sex but I haven’t processed because I don’t want to destroy our relationship 9 years. Advises would be appreciated thank you.

  1. You can ask her for an open relationship I know it sounds weird and crazy but I have friends around your age that this has worked for

  2. It can be a difficult situation. I recommend poking around /r/LowLibidoCommunity to understand a bit more what your partner might be feeling.

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