What’s really dangerous but everyone treats it like it’s safe?

  1. Cars. Need one to do anything in most places, but kill way more people than planes. I think we’ve just purposely ignored that because they’re such a necessity.

  2. Metal shop. People walk around without eye protection or gloves. You’ll get metal sparks in your eyes and massive burns by metal you just worked with. People need to learn proper safety

  3. Watching endless short videos on TikTok or YouTube. They shorten the attention span, especially in children in their development stage.

  4. I worked with highly dangerous chemicals in the past. I was the only one who used protective clothes, glasses and a gas mask.

  5. Alcohol… it’s cheep and easy to obtain. socially acceptable. Advertised and sold everywhere. As a former alcoholic, I can confirm that shit is fucking dangerous if you get too deep into dependence. its a crafty, slow killer that can hook you, and really fuck your life up in the future.

  6. – Not wearing seatbelts
    – Distracted driving
    – Driving under influence
    – Biking on a busy/narrow road with cars
    – Crossing streets while looking down on their phones and blasting music in their ears.
    – Throwing water in a pan that caught fire when cooking.

  7. Choking people during sex. Super common, but also one of the most lethal kinks out there.

    ETA – you can collapse somebody’s windpipe if you do it wrong or even do it right, but slip a little, meaning you’ll watch them suffocate even if you take your hand off their neck immediately. Don’t fucking do it.

  8. Not sure that this one fits, but first thing that came to mind is people doing things while walking up/down stairs. Eg. texting.. basically doing most anything with your hands that’s taking your focus away from the stairs.

  9. I always found skiing or snowboarding wild. A bunch of ppl just sliding down the mountain and any of them are fully capable of just running your ass over and taking your knees out. So many people should not be riding black diamond but the ego is a bitch and they’d rather injure themselves or strangers on a family trip rather than get their egos hurt. Scariest shit seeing someone lose complete control and fly down the mountain unable to stop until they run into a tree or person

  10. Fairground rides. You’re telling me I’m meant to trust a structure that can be folded onto the back of a truck? Hard no from me.

  11. Rushing water. Humans are notoriously bad at estimating how deep rushing water needs to be before it’ll take you out.

  12. Taking over the counter medications like Tylenol. People overdose a lot more frequently than you’d think. If a pain medication isn’t working at the recommended dose, then you need to see a doctor for something stronger.

  13. Speeding, tailgating, changing lanes rapidly and without signaling. Expecting other drivers to do things to compensate for your bad behavior.

    May not be considered “safe,” but so many people do it that they certainly seem to think it’ll never cause them an issue.

  14. Picking the wrong partner.

    I think the average human should be more critical ab their own pers development and picking a partner that truly makes sense with them.

  15. Streetfights. People don’t exactly find it ‘safe’ but too mahy people think they will just fuck strangers up.

    If he beats you, you suffer injuries, permanent ones if you’re unlucky

    If he pulls a gun or a knife, you’re dead

    If one of you gets knocked out, hits their head on the pavement and dies, you’re either dead or facing jailtime for manslaughter.

    If there’s ever a threat of a streetfight, run the fuck away. In a streetfight there are no winners.

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