Like, I get not being socially ready all the time, but sometimes when I see someone chatting me I get the urge to ignore them for a pretty long while. Im not a socially recluse kinda person but this habit has been affecting my social image and attitude towards conversing w/ others in general. Any way to fix this?

  1. It shouldnt

    Its a great power move used by people towards the one left out of the griup chat all the time

  2. It always depends on the importance of the messages. If it is urgent you should reply asap, waiting will only make things worse most of the time. If its less urgent, reply when you feel like it. You should not feel forced to reply instantly if something is not that important.

  3. As a person who hates when someone doesn’t reply to my text, i want to share my pov.

    When a person or a friend doesn’t reply to my text(replying after 2-3h is pretty long but still understandable that they may be working or something) for a day or never at all, then I’m assuming they’re losing interest in the friendship.

    When I say this, i have a specific person in mind. She’s a friend. She’s always on instagram so that means she’s on her phone so why she’s not answering to my text then? This is my thought.

    If it’s once or twice then I can ignore it. But if it’s a consistent thing then I’m going to give the same energy.

    So pls reply and then you can go about your day. Think about what the friend who texted might think if you ignore the text for too long. They might, just like me, get the wrong impression that you’re not interested in the friendship.

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