What changed when you hit 30?

  1. Nothing changed at 30 it when downill when i hit 40 with lots of health issues.

  2. That’s when my metabolism went to shit. Have to work twice as hard now to maintain the same weight.

  3. I got smarter. Over time. Not like anything magical happened overnight. But i started working on my fitness, my relationships, making better financial decisions, etc.

  4. Big thing I noticed is that while I haven’t lost any strength, agility, or stamina when it comes to regularly working out and living a very active lifestyle…*holy shit* does it take me awhile to recover now.

    It was crazy because it came on instantly right after I turned 30. I seriously just woke up one morning after a pretty routine workout and was like “fuck, I’m sore” and my whole body ached and really hasn’t stopped since haha.

    Now, I have to put as much focus into recovery and managing my joints and flexibility as I do working out and even then I’ll have random days where my body just says “nope” no matter what I do.

    I’ve also had more strains, muscle injuries, and tendinitis in the past year than I’ve had in all of my 20s combined. The mileage is catching up to me I guess.

  5. Taking action on creating the life I wanted to live. Went back to uni and started a career transition into a field I was actually interested in, and that I could envision long term future in career wise.

  6. The realization that you’re not going to be the next Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos or Leonardo diCaprio

    Or a Rock star or a star athlete

    All those childhood fantasies meets realty around age 30

  7. The only big change for me was that I noticed I can operate on less sleep than I used to be able to. When I was in my 20s if i got under 6 hours of sleep it was a borderline crisis. Now I regularly have days where I get 3-5 hours of sleep and it’s not even a big deal. I have no idea why this happened. Nothing else really changed.

  8. Confidence. Self-respect. It flipped like a switch. I am not a kid anymore. I am a man and I deserve respect.

    Any shortcomings I have, lessons to learn, I am going to deal with them on my own. I do not need or want another Old Man in my life who thinks I am just some Young Dumb Shit who needs to be taught how to live my life.

    Coincidentally I have found myself constantly in conflict with the older adults in my life who treat me like a kid. Damn my youthful good looks and easy-going nature.

  9. You feel like it’s becoming too late to chase your dreams or even have dreams. I have a very good job, but there’s things I wanted to accomplish professionally that it feels like I’m too far down my existing path to try and do. I’m only 33 and have roughly 30 more years in the workforce (hopefully less with proper retirement planning); but the idea of going back to school or switching careers seems like it’s out the window by now.

  10. Need to exercise and eat healthy to feel good. Getting fat is super easy as you get older

  11. I stopped watching a lot of scripted movies and TV shows and started getting a lot more interested in documentaries and reading books about historical events.

  12. I stopped getting as angry over football games. I still get pissed but not “my life is ruined for a full week”

  13. my libido stayed as high as ever but suddenly it wasnt worth putting the effort in to get women anymore

  14. The urge to self-harm came back with a vengeance

    38 now so it’s almost a decade of constant pain

    Going back to counseling soon, but it never helped before

  15. Everyone talks about getting more mature, but when you’ve been the “mature one” For most of your teens and 20’s, it’s old territory.

  16. I realized I was allowed to be happy and not stuck in a very bad marriage. Got divorced then met my soul mate. Been married 17 years now, happily!

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