Recently there’s this thing called girl dinner where girls just sometimes eat a bunch of food they can find in the house / snacks when they don’t want to cook / simply has no time / not as hungry.

I wonder if guys do this too and what are your dinner ideas (not take-out).

EDIT: wow so many ideas guys it’s kinda fun to see what people are eating. But guys remember to eat proper meals!

  1. Tomatoes (that’s what I’m eating right now, no one to cook for tonight).

    If I was more motivated I might put together some nachos. But now I’m just – tomatoes. Little ones. Tomatoes & beer. 🤷‍♂️

  2. “Fuck it I’m not cooking” dinner consists if slapping whatever I find in the fridge into a couple tortillas and calling it good.

  3. When we were broke as a kid, my go to was a bunch of Saltine crackers, and then I’d guzzle water to try and not get superdehydrated.

  4. >recently

    Recently to idiots on TikTok. People have been grazing on snacks all day instead of eating meals forever.

  5. Fry up a couple chicken breasts with some garlic and serve with some pasta and tomato sauce.

  6. My sister was talking about this yesterday now I get it. She just said “a girly girl” thing and got annoyingly loud for no reason so hence why I didn’t understand.

    For me I just eat a boiled egg with seasoning and call it a night.

  7. last night for dinner I had onion bagels with cream cheese, an apple cider donut, and half a can of sliced peaches

    even typing that out makes me feel sorry for myself

  8. Ramen if I’m being lazy.

    Charcuterie if I’m just feeling lazy.

    Otherwise, I make actual meals bc doing so is meditative and I like good food.

  9. I guess I am old, but this is just a “pantry dinner” in my book. No gender needed.

    I usually have a can of soup somewhere in there.

    The weirdest thing I ate was canned chickpeas and saltine crackers. I was very very lazy that nignt.

  10. Just a beer

    Go to bed early

    Just don’t eat (I’m actually fairly conditioned to refuse food if I want)

    Bowl of cereal

    Deep dish frozen pizza

  11. Ever since I was dieting when I was 23, my lazy meal was this: rice, cherry tomatoes cut in half,canned tuna and parmigiano cubes. It only takes like 10 minutes to make.

  12. I haven’t cooked for myself in a while. I might buy some gouda cheese from my job and make a Bacon Cheese Burger and Fries this weekend.

    Edit: I might have to buy some buns, fries and bacon now that I think about it.

  13. Handful of cereal and saltines then maybe some soup.

    If I’m not depressed, I’m actually cooking stuff like steak, curry, Mexican, etc.

    But I just got laid off two weeks ago so lately it has either been takeout then eating the leftovers for three days, or saltines with cheese and hot sauce.

    Someone’s my neighbors take pity on me and the ladies bring me food, cause I’m the same age as their kids and they want to southern momma me (think “oh sweetie, you’ve lost weight lemme get you a plate” lol)…

    Those are actually the best nights because my dad died recently and I just put my mom in an assisted living facility…so I’m pretty lonely and miss having family around, since I literally have none in my city.

    I actually forced myself to take a security gig at a club temporarily just so I can be around people my own age and socialize, lol.

    It’s kind of ironic because I love to cook, but I just can’t get out of bed most days.

  14. Has to be Cereal right? Like no cooking involved, no waiting, minimal dishes, and you don’t have to worry about having a drink since it’s already included.

  15. Tuna salad, a really simple one with water-packed solid albacore, mayo and sweet-pickle relish. Served over salad greens if I have them; I drizzle a bit of balsamic vinaigrette over the greens before dumping the tuna on top. A couple of Wasa Light Rye crackers on the side.

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