Hello pretty guys and girls,

I am trying to understand whether this coworker of mine is genuinely interested in me.

So I have been working with this guy for three months now. Initially, things were a little competitive but things are better now. We have eventually become more comfortable around each other. He is my biggest cheerleader at work. He wants me to grow and has been very vocal about work and puts a good word about me with everyone.

Recently, I have figured he has become a little flirty with me. When in meetings he tries to make as much body contact with me. He winks at me jokingly. He also grabs my wrist sometimes and guides me to the meeting room/at a desk.

He has also asked me if I was dating someone and if I am thinking of marrying soon.

But he also happens to have a girlfriend. I am not sure what is happening here. Please help me.

1 comment
  1. He has a gf? He’s not interested in you. He’s playing games and wants validation

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