In the US we had Cowboys versus Indians and now I’m curious if it’s a regional thing as to who the bad guys were

Cops and robbers doesn’t count

1 comment
  1. I can’t think of anything else but a game called “Who is afraid of the black man?”

    It’s a cops and robbers type of game where in a limited space, one person is the “Black man” and tries to catch the others trying to run past them, and then those join them in it until everyone is caught.

    It’s kinda fucked up that just 10 or so years ago, we still played a game like this in school under teacher supervision. Obviously it’s seen as racist today and rightfully so, but weirdly i never tought of it trough that lense as a kid. To me the “Black man” always just represented a boogeyman, but in hindsight it was obviously meant as racist.

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