Really don’t get it this so you don’t want me talk about myself when I do the response from other why act like better than others or why are boosting ?

Any advice for me stop doing that ?

  1. Sounding like one and being one are two different things ! People generally don’t like … people who brag a lot ! Stop bragging … how to stop it ? Just don’t take too much credit for your accomplishments !

    Coming to being one ! It is an art mastered by very few ! It take years of practice … by talking over people while they are making a point or cutting lines and not caring how others might feel .. like any other skill it needs practice … with adequate amount of practice … you will become an excellent asshole !

    If you are one ! Just be one ! Because people never forget … ! Any attempts to change will only be perceived as redemption ! ( even if your personality had gone through multi iterations of introspection )

    Once an asshole is always an asshole ! So embrace it and be the best you can be !

    In short ! “ be yourself … world will adjust “

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