My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months. In the beginning it was really good. We were so in love. We had a connection from before our relationship and we just instantly were for each other. Then he moved across the country after our junior year of high school.

I still live in at state a while away and long distance is so fucking hard. First, I do online school, so I get the chance to see him more than other long distance relationships possibly could. This means, I am at his house for weeks on end without a car meaning I can’t go anywhere. Not fun. Especially when you’re arguing frequently with your boyfriend when he is home. That’s the thing, we argue when we are together. Not always, but a LOT. Second, when I do want to see him when he doesn’t live in the same town anymore, it sucks too. A lot. I don’t feel like he is really trying as hard as I am. It’s like since we are dating now he doesn’t have to try. Our “honeymoon stage” was really up until school started and he wasn’t here with me. So it lasted for a while, so now that it’s not the same it sucks. I don’t like his mom because of a few things she said to me that were messed up. I wouldn’t put that in if it wasn’t something important. I just feel like we have lost something and it’s really hard to keep being in a relationship that makes me frustrated, confused, and honestly not happy.

On the other hand I feel like there are still parts of the relationship that make me happy and make me want to stay. I can be myself around him. He’s funny, so funny. He knows what he wants in life. He is intelligent and cares about school. My while family loves him, like seriously. He’s just a genuinely good person that I don’t want to see get hurt.

It sucks because I love him, but I don’t know if I’m IN love anymore. I also miss him. Maybe the idea of him? I don’t know. I don’t know what I should do. I’m really conflicted. I go back and forth. Most of the time, I will say that I am feeling like I should end things. 70% to 30% I would say. I have support systems around me, but I think an opinion from someone who doesn’t know me would help. Thanks in advance!

TLDR: My boyfriend and I are long distance with other struggles as well. I’m 70% stay and 30% leave. What should I do?

1 comment
  1. My girl.

    **1% leave is too much**. If you have to consider whether or not to leave, it’s time to leave.

    Think of it this way:

    “This sandwich I’m eating is 70% delicious, but consists of 30% poop. When I don’t get any poop – it’s a great sandwich”

    It’s not any different if it’s 99% yummy and 1% poop. You are still eating a sandwich with poop on it.

    You are 17. You have literally your entire life ahead of you. Why do this to yourself?

    Good luck, my girl.

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