I’ve been trying to make friends because the ones I have are more so acquaintances and I want to actually have people I can talk to and hang out with on a regular basis.

I’ve been mainly online trying to make friends but they never last. They just disappear after awhile or slowly fade out. I’ve also had some make plans but never follow through.

In person it’s hard to make friends because I work mainly from home so I’m not meeting as many people as I did when I had a social job.

I’m looking into trying a club/hobby but haven’t really found anything for me that is nearby. My mom started going to an exercise class this summer and has already made friends and went to do activities with them. I’m a little jealous that she has had such an easy time and I’m struggling.

  1. I find it easier to make friends in real life, not online.
    Online platforms may help once you have found your social hobby.

    Generally speaking, as time passes and you get older, people tend to dedicate time to the things they really enjoy, hence they try to avoid doing things they don’t like that much.

    When you can dedicate some time to something you like doing, then another wish arises, that is sharing the emotions with someone else.

    Since person A has chosen to do X, and person B has chosen to do X as well (e.g. A,your mother, going to exercise class made a friend, B) they already have something in common without even knowing each other.

    Given that they already have something in common, it is probable that they have something else in common. And here is where friendship starts building up.

    Coming back to your question,
    Ask yourself what you like to do and then try to do that activity with someone else.

    Hope I was useful somehow

  2. I haven’t made any worth while friendships since 15 years ! ( except one or two people ) … sometimes acquaintances are just fine ! That is how it is … by end of your life … you would have made 2 or 3 … ! That is how friendship should be ! All others are called acquaintances and social contacts ! Friendship is a spl kind of relationship !

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