My (28M) Gf (F22) told me that she is talking with other guys and she is making video calls with some and sending gym pictures to a guy

That comes after a week when she told me that she doesnt want to be married to me ( we were planned to ) i took 3 years to be ready to get married and i promised her 2 years.

But she keeps calling me and talking with me all day, even she called and she was with a girl and they were talking during the call about other guys, like check this guy, check that guy.

It’s pissing me off because she still talk with me peacefully like we still together, but im mindblowed, she say nothing wrong because we are not together anymore we are in a situationship.

I feel that I’m the bad guy here because i took 3 years to be ready to get married and i promised her 2 years.
What u guys thing about this situation?

Tl;dr gf talking and flirting to other guys, saying she explore her options and that we are in a situationship

  1. >That comes after a week when she told me that she doesnt want to be married to me ( we were planned to ) i took 3 years to be ready to get married and i promised her 2 years.

    Do I understand this right: she expected to be married to you sooner than you were ready and willing? And now she’s actively reaching out to other guys?

    >he say nothing wrong because we are not together anymore we are in a situationship.

    That’s not a good sign. If she says you’re not together anymore, then you can’t exactly convince them they’re in a relationship that they don’t consider themselves part of.

    Sorry dude, it’s time to move on.

  2. I’m sorry to hear you are experiencing this situation.

    I guess what it comes down to is what are you willing to accept?
    We are treated the way we are willing to be treated. If you choose to allow her to exercise her options but keep you at arms reach for emotional support, then that’s your choice. But does it make you happy?
    If this is something that doesn’t make you happy which is the impression I get from your post; then say goodbye.
    We accept the love we think we deserve. I may not know you but I think you deserve better than loving a girl who wants to be on the streets.

    Best of luck with your situation, no matter what you do make sure you take care of yourself.

  3. Dump her ASAP. Like immediately please 🙏🏾. She clearly doesn’t respect you, leave her ass

  4. What i think??

    At best youre her plan B…

    22 and immature..

    Checking her options means THAT SHES LOOKING FOR A BETTER BF THAN YOU!!! youre only her BF until she finds one more… whatever she wants… better looking?? Generous?? Bigger d???

    Break up, move on…

    You wasted 3 years on her, dont waste more…

    >It’s pissing me off because she still talk with me peacefully like we still together, but im mindblowed, she say nothing wrong because we are not together anymore we are in a situationship.

    She doesnt want you – but shes enjoying the emotional support… and will leech this from you until she finds her soul mate (and thats NOT you) and then shell leave you behind without a second thought…

    Break it off, go NC.. dont be her crutch, dont let her suck you dry emotionally..

    She doesnt give a fuck about you.. move on…

  5. You are too old to be with a 22 year old you’re in 2 different stages of life. Let he go and block on everything

  6. I’m sorry, why are you still wasting your time with this girl? She’s immature and manipulative af. Find someone better!

  7. How old was she when yall started dating, because if she was 19 and you were 25, you were definitely too old to be with her. Best to break up and stick to ppl over 25 from now on

  8. Thats what you get for dating a teenager when you were in your mid 20s. Predatory

  9. Mate, don’t walk, run. Leave her in your past and find someone that truly loves and respects you. She isn’t it.

    What you need to do is go completely no contact and get your head clear.

  10. Walk away from her. Hey, if she wasn’t willing to wait for you, then just too too bad. Look at the bright side. You dodged trouble with a capital T.

  11. Coming from another woman, I think she’s trying to get some sort of reaction to you. Which she technically is. You can’t go from a relationship to a situationship. It’s over, just walk away and start fresh

  12. If she doesn’t think you are in a relationship anymore, don’t talk to her anymore. She will get the hint when she is blocked. Go 100% no contact. Go find someone that is ready to be mature, because if she is playing games to get you to propose, it just backfired. You don’t want someone like this in your life, let alone your wife.

  13. Tell her that she can be in a relationship and move forward with you if she wants (if you would still consider her after her recent actions), or tell her you no longer want contact with her.

    She is either extremely naive and immature and unaware…. or she has bad intentions and wants to hurt you. Or both.

    Don’t sit there and let her “rub salt in your wounds” if she is the one who broke up with you. Don’t let her punish you if you needed to take more time to make a decision. If you needed to take longer than she was willing to wait, then you simply were not compatible. But, it isn’t cool or kind for her to talk about others guys she is pursuing if she broke up with you. She also doesn’t automatically deserve the intimacy, deep support, constant phone contact, massive amounts of time from you if she doesn’t want to be with you in a relationship any longer.

    Stop answering the phone!!!! And, stop feeling bad for taking 3 years to decide if you wanted to get married. That is completely reasonable. And, she is showing her character now, and it justifies taking longer to determine if you were compatible – especially for someone younger than you and figuring out who they are.

    You have every right to speak up for yourself, and tell her you no longer want to talk to her. Wish her the best, and tell her it is necessary for a break in contact. Just let the phone ring. Don’t answer. Block on social media. Get rid of any way that she can contact you and continue to rub things in your face that hurt you. And, then, do what you can to go seek out other friends, try new things, heal, and move past this relationship.

    Being in contact with her is not doing you any good. In fact, it is hurting you, and it is keeping you stuck in the hurt. You need to break contact to move past this.

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