Cousins invited me(F23) to FL to go to a haunted houseback in July-Aug,my BF(M23) and I just decided to make it my bdaycelebration.This is at the end of september. A month leading up I mentioned how I wanted to go to a watersports place(adult obstacle course) and a Thai place. We look up airbnbs and they end up being too expensive, so invite his friends and all get an Airbnb together. So its 4 guys 2 girls. The other girl is the gf of one of the guys “F,”(M23) I had just met her. Our flight landsat 930AM and checkin is3PM, I tell my boyfriend to ask if we can check in early and he says he saysthe host was booked the day before so she wouldn’t let us. The night before we go I tell him to ask and she says yeah it’s available. Saved us 5hrs of waiting, when I feel like he could’ve just done this on his own accord, to ensure we don’t drive around for five hours.
1st day they buy 2 bottles and boxes of beers and we all drink.

2ndday we go to haunted house, where I introduced hisfriends to mycousins. After, we go home 2 more bottles and more beer are bought.

3rdday my BF takes me to stay w my cousins for the day nd thn brings me back to a surprise party. Decorations, balloons, i loved it all, after that they start to watch a boxing match. F’s GF says she is going to see her cousins the nxt day, meaning the car is gone ½ day. Next day comes and nd she never went. ½ a day wasted, due to me thinking the car would be gone. Same day I asked my BF if he can tell his friends to be ready by 6PM, he tells me OK and I nap at 5:10 and leave my bf who is playing clash. At 5:50 he comes into bed and I ask is evrybody up, he goes no “F” is still sleeping I ask if he can go wake him up he says in a min. I tell him I can do it if you want, he snaps at me saying I’m complaining so I turn n rest. At 6:15 he tells me to come bc everybody is ready. I go to the living room and wait 5min before silently going back to the room I passed the bathroom and hear F and his gf in there giggling(gf knew we had to be rdy by 6.) 645 rolls around and everybody gets to the car. Beforehand my cousin asked if we needed anything and all we needed was utensils so thts all I tld her. In the car my BF then tells me he didnt pack the plates and aluminum tins. So whn we get there my cousins have to go to the store and buy it, we were waiting in the van with the trunk open my cousins came up and said “hey guys” no one says hi back.

I told my BF about this, his excuse was they didn’t hear my cousins say hi.We thn have a BBQ at my cousin’s apt complex. I’m upset at myBF therefore told him I’m gonna stay with my cousins.

I get my stuff then cousins pick me up. Before I left my BF and I argued ab everything going on and I told him how I feel like this was just a waste of time, we spent half the trip doing nothing but drink and play Uno. We could have just stayed home. He didn’t plan anything himself. Everything was already pre-planned and I just wanted a little effort to do other things that I wanted to do .He calls me ungrateful,I go to my cousin’s house. he admits he’s wrong and apologizes bc he’s been going through a lot of stress at work since he thought he was gonna get fired. Now he takes back the sorry and thinks I’m spoiled.

TLDR: told my boyfriend, what I wanted for my birthday weekend, he only planned one thing so I feel unheard.

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