I work in the chemical and equipment room for my university’s undergrad organic chemistry labs and have been working for my new boss for about six weeks now. I only have a handful of other coworkers and my boss, so we’re a pretty close workplace but our relationships are mainly professional. I don’t know my boss very well at all. We talk for maybe a few minutes every shift I work and it is always small talk.

Yesterday morning I got to work early and the door to our room was locked. I was waiting for my boss to show up and unlock the office when I noticed a letter slid between the desk and roll down door. It was addressed to “Reader” and was signed by my boss. After I realized what it was, I ran downstairs to the chemistry department office and gave it to the first person I saw who called him immediately to check on him.

He picked up instantly and said he was pulling into the parking lot as we spoke. As far as I know, the department staff has made sure he is getting the help he needs and he will be back at work when he’s ready. I was sent home since I was absolutely beside myself and have been doing very badly since.

I have lots of questions and am having a hard time working through my feelings. I am not close with my boss and we have never had more than surface-level conversations. He had to know that I would be the one to find the note because I was scheduled for first thing in the morning. I was the last person to leave the night before and there was no note, so it wasn’t possible for anyone else to find it. He and I are the most close of him and any of my other coworkers so his choice to leave it while I was scheduled isn’t completely surprising, but still odd considering how little we know each other. I know he is a very socially awkward person and I would guess that he doesn’t have much social life outside of our job, but I just keep thinking that surely there was someone else closer to him that he could’ve left a note for.

I know I will have to see my boss again. I don’t know if he’s going to want to talk about it and I don’t know if I’m comfortable being around him anymore. This was all just so strange and completely thrust on me without any warning. What should I do and say when I see him again? Should I talk about what happened or just keep things entirely professional? Any advice will be much appreciated.

  1. If your coimpany has an HR department or your boss has a boss, definitely don’t take this on yourself. That is super fucked up, and there’s no way you should be left holding the emotional bag for somebody you barely know under any circumstances.

    Also, you suggesting that you handling this on your own is “professional” is pretty fucked up. Delete that association from your head. You aren’t equipped to handle such things and it’s not in any way part of your job description.

  2. Sorry I’m confused.. so he left the suicide note the night before but pulled up to work the next morning anyways? Either way, that’s fucked up if he did in fact leave it to you, although I’m sure it sucks for anyone who’s had to stumble upon a suicide

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