What are the best and worst things about summer?

  1. The best is that the beach is a nice way to cool off, the worst is sunburns

  2. A friend of mine worked hard to have a “summer body” that she could show on the beach but then complained about people looking at her.

    If someone has an explanation on this it’ll be great

  3. Best is sunshine which for me equals better mood. Worst is can’t wear sweaters and hoodies lol

  4. Best: Wearing summer dresses and shorts, long evenings, summer holidays, lots of ☀️!

    Worst: having to shave more often, humidity, bikini insecurities.

  5. Warm weather, sun, wearing my bikini, and ice cream

    The worst is small little bugs coming back to life

  6. I live in Australia so the heat, flies and mosquitos.

    Best part is probably our summer storms.

    I hate summer.

  7. Best? It’s not cold. Also it means that it’s almost pumpkin spice season.

    Worst? It’s hot. And there’s *so much light*. And it’s been so fucking long since I’ve been able to buy anything pumpkin flavored in a store.

  8. I live in Texas, so summer is brutal.

    The best parts: sunlight until almost 9 pm; ice cream is always refreshing; peaches in season; wearing sandals all the time; river tubing in the Hill Country

    The worst parts: temperatures in triple digits Fahrenheit (and heat indices to make you even MORE miserable); mosquitoes and active fire ants; temperatures above 90 F at 10 pm; being unable to go barefoot unless you know there are no fire ants in the grass (and forget being barefoot on any other surface); summer temperatures lasting into October

  9. Best: no seasonal depression

    Worst: being out in the sun triggers my migraines:/

  10. Best: summer storms, being able to wear dresses at night without freezing, ice cream, open air clubs

    Worst: My apartment. It’s south-facing with a glass facade and no shutters. Sometimes it’s hotter in there than outside.

  11. Best things: …
    Worst things: sun, heat, bugs, kids being out of school

  12. Best: warm sunny days, being able to sit outside all day/night,thunderstorms.

    Worst: humidity, allergens.

  13. Best: The sunshine and nice weather!.

    Worst: not being able to hide my hairy legs under sweatpants

  14. I live in Florida so the heat, humidity, and bugs are the worst. I’m fortunate enough to have a pool in my backyard so I look forward to getting in it. That’s the only good part of summer to me.

  15. Best: Finally able to hike in the mountains without snow gear

    Worst: rattlesnakes and other creepy critters are out

  16. I live in the south and to me, the worst part of summer is the heat and the mosquitos. The best part of summer is that we are one season closer to it NOT being summer. Not a fan.

  17. The only bad thing about summer for me is bushfires and knowing people I care about are feeling uncomfortable. I personally love hot weather so everything else is great imo.

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