Hey fellow Redditors,

TL;DR: Girlfriend and I have been together for 1.5 years, recently moved in together. Our once-active sex life has fizzled out, and her low libido, coupled with her tiredness from low iron levels, is straining our relationship. I still care about her, but I’m wondering if it’s time to break up due to these ongoing issues. Looking for Reddit’s advice.

I’m reaching out for some advice and perspective on my current relationship situation. My (24F) girlfriend and (24M) I have been together for 1.5 years, and earlier this year, we decided to take the big step of moving in together. At first, things were great – we were both head over heels in love.

However, as time has passed, I’ve noticed a significant shift in our intimacy. We used to have an active and satisfying sex life, but now it feels like we’re worlds apart in that department. I find myself having to initiate every time, and even then, it’s become infrequent, to say the least. This mismatch in our libidos is causing a growing rift between us.

I want to make it clear that I still care deeply for her. She’s a genuinely nice person, and I cherish the time we’ve spent together. But this issue has me questioning our long-term compatibility. It’s been about 6-7 months since I first started feeling this way, and despite my attempts to communicate my concerns and her promises to work on it, nothing seems to change.

To add to the complexity, she’s frequently tired after work and sometimes its linked to the fact she does have slightly lower than normal iron , but she’s inconsistent in taking her iron tablets. This leaves little room for intimacy, and it’s becoming a source of frustration.

I’ve even had fleeting thoughts of cheating, which I would never act on – it’s just a symptom of the mounting tension. So, Reddit, I turn to you for guidance. Is it time to consider parting ways, or is there hope for resolving these issues and rekindling the spark we once had? Your insights and experiences are greatly appreciated.

  1. What did she say when you talked to her about it?

    Now that you’re living together, are each of you still getting alone time and time with friends, or are you basically either working or together?

    Also: how is the household labor being distributed between you?

  2. The sex drive decreasing after the honeymoon phase is over is more than normal, I think it happens to most couples. If you do leave and try with someone new, you’re going to likely have the same fate.

    If sex is something that’s really important to you, try solving the issues that are in the way. You mention she’s tired because of low iron, is there anything else that exhausts her? Is her job particularly tiring? Once she gets home are there chores to be done and meals yo cook? Step in and remove those stressors

    Once the honeymoon phase ends, relationships become a lot more about companionship than passion, it’s just natural. She’s your love and your partner, but also your friend. Is she someone you can see spending your life with? Or was she only fun when things were passionate and exciting?

    Love is a journey, I wish you the best of luck!

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