Firstly I want to say that english is not my first language. Sorry for mistakes

Let’s start

Last summer I (17m) went to camp and had a sympathy for girl (17f)
That feelings were mutual

After we came back to our city we started walking together
3 weeks later she was having a family trip
Last day before it we had your first kiss, and I thought that things were all right

I decided to make some money and found side job. I was working nearly 8 hours a day in hotel, the work was physical
After work I was returning home and doing stuff that you usually do as a 11th grade student (last year before graduation)

Every day I was texting her asking how she was doing. Her answers were like «we’re on the beach right now» / «all is ok»
I told her that I’m bored without her, she said that I should meet with my friends and have some fun with them. That sounded logical, so I agreed to meet with people, which I haven’t seen for a long period

In tat way may timetable became to:
7.00 – get up
8.00-16.00 working
18.00-23.00 time with friends / on myself

I really don’t like to chat with another person while walking with someone, so we were communicating before going to bed, everyone was happy

After 4 days of seaside vacation she got bored and started texting me every 3/4 hours. I wasn’t able to to use my phone on work and didn’t answer her until I came home after meeting with my friends (as I said before)
I want to specify – I wasn’t ignoring her, just giving short answers. And before sleeping we were having a normal conversation.

On 6th day of «separation» she said that I’m not giving her enough attention. I was a little bit confused because we discussed that I can’t talk to her while working / having time with other people. She said «ok» and we continued our relationship in same way.

*The gay when she came back*
All I knew that she is coming after dinner. I proposed to met her on train station and help with getting home. She didn’t even read my message. I tried to write her in other social networks/ call her, but there was no feedback

Suddenly, the same evening I’m receiving a video message where I could see her and her girlfriend on house with random guys and girls.
She was drunk and started reproaching me.
After that she said that out communication is over, and kissed her friend in lips.
In that moment I was like «is this real, or I had broken through the space-time continuum and landed in a parallel universe»

So she, without dialogue decided to «broke up» (we haven’t officialise that we are couple so I wold write it in quotes). I was really angry because she didn’t even give me opportunity to save the situation – I said that we have to meet on the next day, but she said that her phone is discharging and left the chat.

Next day I’ve got a message that she wants to see me (all previous messages were deleted)
I immediately got up and went to her house.
She came out and we went to the park. She started to talk, and the first phrase was «is everything ok between us? please, forget everything I said yesterday». But her words hooked me. I said that we can’t be a «couple» any more and maybe we could have friendly relations after some period. She started crying. But please, understand me. I was broken after all that she said in that video messages.

After this we had some walks with common company. I found out that she was discussing me behind my back in a bad way. There was nothing like this from my side.
This hate is still going on. I tried to change her mind, but for her I’m a abuser, asshole etc

I want to hear your opinion – who is right / who is wrong. Maybe some advices for future

Thanks for everyone who will respond

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