Hi, so this might be a little long, also I posted this in relationship advice as well cause I need all the help I can get. English is my first language I just can’t spell. TLDR: did I make the wrong choice breaking up with my Ex cause every time I’m around him I want to get back with him.

So some backstory, I (19F) got out of a three year long relationship last year. Because it was toxic and problematic and just overall bad, I said I wasn’t planning on dating anytime soon. I went off to college and then met a guy (19M). We were friends for a while then back in January I realized I had feelings for him, and asked him out. From there we fell for each other super fast. I was his first kiss, girlfriend etc etc.

He constantly showered me with love, slow danced with me, bought me food and was super receptive to my feelings. But the issue is he has anger issues (ex punched his desk so hard he cut his hand because he missed a class), was extremely codependent and sometimes I just cringed at the stuff he did. I also had to walk him through basic stuff and felt like I was teaching another boy how to be a man. I think he is cute and funny, but a lot of people disagreed and I was even embarrassed to tell my friends/mutual friends at first. He also loved talking about the future, our plans and how he will never love someone like me. After my last relationship, all of this just became too much. I knew I wanted to end it before the summer as I did long distance before and it destroyed my mental health. So after about two months, I ended things.

He was devastated, and told me he will never love anyone like me, I will always be that person to him, he loves me etc. but I thought this was all just basic first relationship stuff, but he stand by it even two months later. When I ended things, I thought I had lost feelings but I invited him over when I was drunk a few times and thought we could do a FWB type thing but I realized that was unfair to him as he made it clear he still loved me while I thought I didn’t feel the same. That ‘relapse’ happened about a week after we broke it off and since then we have remained friends. We still work together but sometimes the way he talks to me, looks at me and acts just makes me fall for him all over again.

He’s cute, a big mommas boy, close with his family. He texts in perfect grammar and knows me so well. He is funny and sweet and I felt and feel so safe with him. I tell my friends what I’m feeling and they all say don’t go for it. I’ve even slept with other people and I’m still thinking of him. But we leave for summer break in literally two weeks.

My question is what do y’all think I should do? Do I talk to him now, or wait and reassess when we get back? I love my freedom and am happier out of a relationship and that’s a good chunk of the reason I ended things in the first place. I also wonder if I feel that way cause I know he’ll always be there as a somewhat fallback? I just don’t know what to make of it. Do i feel for him or do I still like him just cause he still loves me? Any advice is helpful, thank you!

  1. The break up is still very fresh and you both are so young, u should just cut the contact with him. Since u feel like u would be happier single it’s only fair to end the friendship and only be in contact if its necessary. Break ups hurt, you will have second thoughts but I promise you that after the summer break, he won’t be in your thoughts anymore. Maybe after some time you could be friends again, but not now.

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