A friend and I had a interesting debate over this. Let’s say you meet a person and they’re doing everything right, and meeting all of your standards for the first three months of dating/ being in a relationship. Reassurance, consistency, communication, etc just overall in your eyes doing every thing a dream partner would. After you guys have been together for a certain amount of time, and it suddenly stops, how do you know if it’s love bombing or just that person losing romantic interest? Do they go hand in hand? Is it even possible to tell if a partner genuinely has those qualities and just lost interest in you, or is was just them love bombing to get you in the first place?

1 comment
  1. I’d say if they don’t go out of their way to talk to you at all, they are losing interest, like if you feel like you are asking then to do stuff with you and they turn you down a lot or you feel like there is no reciprocity in your exchanges. But if they simply stop showering you with compliments and gifts and outings, then that’s just love bombing ending.

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