TL;DR So much like the title says, I’ve accepted my life. What it is, what is not going to be, and what im not going to have.
Soo the short answer is I have a small penis. Not a mircopenis, small. I get to the 5 inches mark.

I’ve learn to accept that I probably never really going to satify a woman 100% . I’ve also accepted that I could never really truly be happy. Im never going to know what is like to have kids. Im never going to know what it is like to have someone truly love me. Im never going to know what like growing old knowing that someone is going to have my back until my final days.

Now I will say this. I’ve asked girls out. We had a good time until its time for me to lay it out on the line and tell the girls Im not packing. Most leave, and I understand.

I’ve also had one gf in my life. One girl wanted to try it out. It was working for a while. Then we went our seperate ways. Now the thing about this girl, and the reason why I think she gave me a chance was because she was unstable. She was and is a coke addict. Pill popper. And I didnt know what else she did her her life. She suffered from depression. And tried self deletion.

Soo the fates showed me what type of girl could ever give me a chance in a relationship.

Lets say I do get a girl who is willing to become my wife. I will always worry that she’ll cheat on me. I worry if she’ll ever be truly happy with me.

Later on in life. I, myslef cant tell you what the future holds for me. But more than likey its a road fill with loneliness, depression and saddness. I dont know why I felt like typing this here . I was think it could be cathartic. But at the end, this is the road Im walking and I’ve to accept it The fates shited on me. And I’ve accepted that too.

  1. life really is difficult for all of us friend, what we have left is to face it and move on. pursuing what we love and what we want for our life, love is out there so the hardest step is finding it, don’t give up on it just because you had bad experiences, there is always a person out there who can accept us as we are, I wish you luck

  2. Guys with small penis’ can still satisfy women. Women can get off on scissoring. Just get the girl on top

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