If McDonald’s made a rule that you could only use their drive thru if you drove a luxury car which luxury car would you buy?

  1. I’d roll a rusty old suburban in and let it die in the hardest to tow spot of the drive through.

  2. I’d park in the car park and walk in, faster and doesn’t require spending £50k+

  3. I rarely use the drive thru anymore and have noticed an almost 100% decrease screwed up orders. It’s also faster during the lunch/dinner rush hours.

  4. If [poor life decision] required more [poor financial decision] which additional [poor financial decision] would you make?

    Damn, I don’t know.

  5. Nothing, because if I could afford a luxury car I would eat somewhere better. Plus, I’m poor and I still don’t want to eat fast food, so why would I start when I become rich?

  6. I’d get a clapped out poverty-spec BMW because they’re everywhere, but people still think they’re luxury. Not really worth it to satisfy that McD’s fry craving twice a year.

  7. None lmao. I’d happily go to Wendy’s or any other fast food place. I go for convenience not the food itself 90% of the time.

  8. I’ll rephrase this:

    # If you were dared to go through a drive thru with any luxury car of your choice, which would it be.

    **Serious Tone**: I’d choose a McLaren.

    **Silly Tone**: I’d go through in reverse because the seat is in the middle so what’s the difference?

  9. I’ll simply make my own luxury car, Flintstones style. With blackjack and hookers too.

  10. I rarely use drive throughs to begin with so I’d just roll with it and keep driving my shitbox truck.

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