I always hear of a lot of people buying new clothes and was wondering if people actually buy new clothes every month.

I myself maybe buy 1-2 shirts per year. I don’t have so much money so spending it on clothes is not a good decision for me. The shoes I wear are ~ 7 years old, most of my clothes are around 5-8 years old

  1. Once couple months I buy a set of cloths that fit with the 30+ pairs of shoes I own.

  2. Probably once per year if we’re counting buying socks and underwear, otherwise almost all my wardrobe is at least three years old. Bought most of my modern wardrobe when I first got out of homelessness and been abusing those boring, utilitarian clothes since then.

  3. Work clothes- once or twice a year a few things

    Non-work clothes – every spring and fall

    Vacation clothes- before taking a long vacation

    So probably 5x at the most for myself.

  4. When my wife makes me.

    Idk, I have the body of a God and it shouldn’t take clothes to make that obvious. Nice clothes are for ugly people. I look pretty fucking amazing in a six year old bleach stained ill fitting shirt.

  5. Every 2 weeks i go to the mall to try and buy the clothes i like from the stores i like…and if i already have them all i’ll leave the mall with a bag full of candy instead.

  6. Usually I get 1-2 new things per season (summer? I could use another pair of cargo shorts. Winter? How are my gloves/boots? Autumn? Sweet, new flannels at Costco, etc) and get rid of the oldest stuff once per year.

    Especially after I stopped growing I only really thing about new clothes when costcos inventory rotates or if something of mine finally gets damaged/stained beyond rescue

  7. I never buy clothes. My wife buys them when I get holes in them or they’re worn out.

    I only need a handful of grey, black and blue shirts. A few pairs of jeans and shorts.

  8. When they wear out, which is frighteningly often in some cases (namely socks and shoes), and years in other cases. I probably need to upgrade my wardrobe one day, but that’s been a hard road for a lot of years to accomplish.

  9. I can’t remember the last pair of clothing that I bought for myself for myself lol my fiancée does all my clothes shopping too 🤣🤣

  10. I’ve lost a good amount of weight and I’ve been dressing the same since highschool so I’ve been buying a lot of clothes over the past year trying to find a style. Probably a few pieces every month.

    I mostly go to thrift stores and Costco. Thrift stores are very low stakes generally. Doesn’t quite work out? Meh, nothing besides jackets really go over $20 so not a huge loss. Costco has a tiny selection but generally everything I buy from there I still own. They’re currently selling some stretch jeans and dear sweet baby Jesus, as someone who hates jeans, I effing love these jeans.

    I tried stitchfix and some more expensive places (for me) like Nordstrom but the prices make it hard to be adventurous and try new things out.

    If I want new clothes these days, Uniqlo and Nordstrom Rack are my go to choices.

  11. When I see photo “memories” pop up on FB or wherever and I see that on the trip we took 12 years ago, I have on the same shirt I wore yesterday.

  12. As needed but probably every few months.

    Usually as the weather changes from season to season, I’ll find that I don’t like some shirt anymore or a pair of pants I wore last winter has some holes in them or whatever, and I’ll buy replacements.

  13. Around every decade. My last set of tshirts I used for almost 10 years before they smelled so bad I had to wash them at the Laundromat.

    As for pants, usually until they have run their course. I’ve been wearing these shirts from Duluth for many years now. At least 4.

  14. Shit’s expensive. Got the same pants for 2 years. Shit costs $60 bucks for a pair. Like what the fuck?

  15. I only buy new if what I have already either A: isn’t appropriate for an upcoming occasion. Or B: has worn out and I want to replace it with something of similar or higher value. Besides that, no reason to buy new most of the time.

  16. I have enough clothes and only buy something new if something needs to be replaced.

    Example: If my pants rip, or get bad stains, I buy a new pair and turn those ripped ones into “work pants” for yard work and house projects. Then throw away my current work pants

  17. Generally when I get a new job, I make sure I have enough clothes for a couple weeks. Current job, I have 8 black polos (I can always find a couple days to wear one twice or I have other colors in a pinch) and a couple pairs of jeans.

    Otherwise, I replace clothes as I need to.

  18. Maybe once or twice a year when the seasons change from hot to cold and vice versa. Depends on if what i already have still fits from last year.

  19. Constantly, when I find good deals on stuff I like.
    No specific schedule, if a brand I like has sample sales in the city I go. Sometimes it’s wiser to buy jackets in the summer and shorts in the winter.

  20. I went on a minor splurge last month to get some new threads to help me with the bar scene. Can’t say it helped any but I do feel like I look better in those clothes. Other than that… never.

  21. Used to be maybe once a year. Had a rotation of maybe a few tshirts and jeans.

    Recently I’ve been trying to dress nicer so I’ve been buying quite a bit of t shirts, dress shirts, jeans, jackets etc…

  22. I try to re rack part of my closet when I’m working out and have potential leads with chicks. Fresh clothes and shoes give me ammo of confidence boosters

  23. Often at the moment. Buying one or two pieces a month rn but I’m in a flurry of style change after coming out of a depression.

    Trying to be mindful and buying fewer things at higher prices so I get things I really love and appreciate for a long time.

  24. I thrift (a little too much sometimes, but it’s cheap), so every couple of months or so I like to get one or two things.

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