So , I was deeply in love with a guy who dumped me after three months telling me he only had lust and a protective reflex for me . He was the only guy I ever dated and fell in love with . I had no prior experience to it and fell hard for him . He was still in love with his ex which he told me later indirectly . But even though he dumped me after three months , he was being hot and cold with me . Kept texting me and flirting with me . We met and had oral sex too . He was very on and off with me for a period of 3 months after he dumped me during which we flirted and texted a lot .
But after those three months he told me I wasn’t fit for him and he never had any romantic feelings for me and that I should move on . It absolutely broke my heart . But once day he starts flirting again and asks me to meet to have oral sex . He promises we’ll meet but we don’t meet . He says couldn’t meet the first time so he’ll meet again . But this time I got emotional and reacted because he didn’t meet me . I acted kinda clingy and immature and was forcing him to meet me . During that time he confessed to me that he met his ex and thinks he wants her to be his lifelong partner . And I got emotional at that and overreacted and felt sad .
Later he gets mad and says we’ll not meet . After that I block him for a month since I was getting suicidal and got better in the month I kept my distance from him . After a month I unblocked him and we start texting again . This time he doesn’t talk anything sexual and we talk as normal friends but one day I get mad at him and fight with him because when I told I got better mentally he replied saying stop boasting or showing off that you got better . But later he apologized but I couldn’t take it and block him everywhere . Later , again I unblock him , and he calls me out on not being able to hold on to my commitments . So later, he asks for a period of 75 days break because he wants to prepare for his exams . We don’t text at all during that time . I got him a birthday gift and after his exam is done he texted asking about my well being and says he would like to meet me . I’m scared he’ll do the same thing like did before : asking me to meet but not meeting me .
I don’t want to meet him . I’ve been really hurt and I don’t want to meet him . Is not meeting him the right thing or am I being immature by not meeting him ?
While we were kinda , sorta dating too : I was immature and he was kinda emotionally distant . Initially there was a lot of love bombing and later he dumped me all of a sudden . We have an age gap of 6yrs . He dated multiple girls but he was the only guy I ever dated . Also , we weren’t exclusive which was clear . And the dating too , we never met while we were dating , it was only texting and calling . We only met after he dumped me . So what am I supposed to do now ? Be the bigger person and forgive and meet him ( chances that he won’t meet and do the same are there too ) or give into my feelings and not meet him ?
Im at an impasse and don’t know what to do . I want to do the mature , right thing but can’t figure out what that is since im more emotional and can’t think logically about such issues .

  1. >I was deeply in love with a guy who dumped me after three months

    😂😂 And that’s as far as we need to go.

    You weren’t deeply in love with someone you knew for 3 months.

  2. I hate to tell you, but you’re his side chick. He only wants you for BJs. Block him and don’t talk to him anymore unless you’re fine with being the side girl

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